I have missed The young and the restless,what has been going on,did Vickie have her baby yet?
2007-11-30 08:01:11 UTC
I have missed The young and the restless,what has been going on,did Vickie have her baby yet?
Nine answers:
2007-11-30 08:05:30 UTC
They delivered it yesterday but it went off without telling what was up with the baby. Vickie had a placental abrubtion and is bleeding internally and in critical condition.

BTW my wife suffered a placental abrution that led to our baby being pre-term. And on the show they took way to long to do her wife was in and out in like 5 minutes.
2007-11-30 19:18:29 UTC
She has been in a coma for the last 2 or 3 weeks on on the show, her blood pressure kept going up and down, mainly up. Nikki and Victor was fighting over what to do ... have a C-Section or let Vicki die...finally yesterday because the baby and her was getting worse they had the C-Section. The baby is still alive so far and so is Vicki but they both are in critical condition.
John S.
2007-11-30 17:10:37 UTC
As of 11/30/07: The baby was delivered via C-Section and is in the Neo-Natal Unit of the Hospital. It has a 50/50 chance of living. Victoria's blood pressure is still high though. It appears that both are probably going to live, their lives are too intertwined. Victor wanted his daughter to live if there had to be a choice. Victor's wife wanted the baby to live. The decision was made to go ahead with the surgery so as I write this, the mother and baby are still in limbo.
2007-12-01 23:18:24 UTC
Yes, in the middle of the court session between nicki and victor nick got a call that there would have to be an emergency c-section or both Vic and the baby would die. So she had the baby (still in a coma) and it is very premature but alive.
2007-12-01 21:36:19 UTC
You can always go to for for information on past episodes. You can catch the days episode on the soapnet channel at 7pm on weekdays (this is on direct tv if you have that). And they also have the full weeks worth of episodes on the same channel on Saturdays. I believe that they also start at 7pm.

In real life Victoria had her baby on November 2nd. She had a boy and named him after his father, Thaddeus (sp?). On the show her baby was born via c-section on Friday. Both her and the baby are in critical condition. The baby has a 50% chance of having mild to severe birth defects.

I think that it is really stupid that someone would give you like a whole month's worth of episodes for an answer. No one wants to spend that much time reading an answer.
2007-12-02 00:40:33 UTC
They delivered her baby yesterday. Even though they delivered the baby - she is still in a coma. The baby is in an incubator.She did have a little boy and they still have not named him yet. The baby only weighting one bound. Victoria and her baby lives are still in critical condition. I have to wait until Monday now to find out what is going to happen.
2007-11-30 16:27:42 UTC
Below is Thursday's "happenings". They did deliver the baby yesterday and they didn't say really how it was doing. Victoria is now in Critical condition!

Other news:

Phyllis is outta jail!!! Jack is trying to turn the blame to Victor right now on the death of Ji Min (Which i don't think either is capable of) Not much w/ the Teen Scene. But if you want more...go to it gives day-to-day synopsis of the show!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Brad reads the handwritten letter to him from when she was pregnant, aloud in the courtroom. It states how she now understands why parents go to great lengths for their children, and how she already would for her unborn child, because she already loves it more than life itself.

Jack tells Sharon that regardless of how upset Victor is about Victoria's condition, he needs to clear his name with the ethics committee and erase suspicion that he killed Ji Min, so he wants to make it clear that Victor should be a suspect. Sharon states that if he does that to Victor now in his time of grief, she won't be able to support Jack any longer. Much to Ben's dismay, Jack agrees not to do it.

Kevin and Cane show Lily the myspace Jabot post. Lily and Colleen enter and Lily says that she is thinking about entering. Kevin tells Amber about the contest and she excitedly tells him that she would be perfect to be the new face of Jabot.

Amber tells Cane that she wants to enter the Jabot contest and win, which will enable her to also promote her music. Cane tells her that no family is allowed to enter, and besides, after "Extreme Catwalk," Jill probably wouldn't let her enter anyway.

Ben questions Maggie as to why she isn't investigating the possibility that Victor could be involved in Ji Min Kim's death. He tells her that any attempt to slander Jack will result in immediate legal action. Ben leaves without noticing someone recording their conversation on a cell phone.

In court, Victor states that he still doesn't think that Brad should be appointed Victoria's guardian since he's okay with letting Victoria die. The judge takes a recess and says he'll be back later with his ruling.

J.T. calls Nick, saying that the baby is in distress and a court decision needs to be made immediately. Nick relays this message to Nikki and Victor. They decide to order a c-section.

Jack receives a call telling him about a post on a gossip webpage. Jack sees the video of Ben and Maggie at the coffeehouse.

Lily tells Cane that she's definitely going to enter the "Fresh Face of Jabot" contest.

Ben gives Jack a package Ji Min's parents sent over, saying that Ji Min gave it to them for safekeeping. It's an audiotape of Victor pressuring Ji Min to record his conversations with Jack. They realize that is was Victor who leaked that Jack owned Jabot.

At the hospital, the Newmans, J.T., Brad and Colleen are all awaiting word about Victoria's surgery. Dr. Okamura tells them that Victoria had a placental abruption which has put her in critical condition.
2007-11-30 20:15:48 UTC
Yes, she had a C-Section and it is a Boy...
2007-11-30 18:34:46 UTC
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

At Newman, Victoria happily informed Nicholas of her and J.T.'s engagement. Meanwhile, Nikki stopped by Victor's office and informed him that she called her lawyer. She wondered how they were going to tell their kids about their divorce. Victor suggested getting it over with as soon as possible. After, Nick and Victoria dined out at the GCAC. Nick told her that he wants to return to being co-CEO so he can help her out at work. Vicky refused, but he insisted that he wanted to do something for her and her baby.... David called Nikki, but she didn't answer because she was hashing out her divorce with Victor. Victor taunted her about her "paramour" calling. She urged her estranged husband to keep things civil in public.

Paul congratulated J.T. on his engagement, but noted that it was very sudden. J.T. insisted that his and Vicky's relationship is different from his past ones. Later, David met up with Paul and J.T. to discuss Clear Springs, and the detectives played up their "being at odds" act. When J.T. and David were alone, David wondered if Victor had sent Paul to keep an eye on them since both were involved with Newman women. After, J.T. told Paul that Chow is a "shark."

At the GCAC dining room, Adrian showed Colleen an update on his book. He was interrupted by the dean, who invited him to return to his teaching post at the university. Colleen reminded him that they can't date if he's working at the college. Brad then arrived at the restaurant and said hello to his daughter. She admitted that she was stressed out over Adrian's meeting with the dean. Brad surprised her by giving her back the money for her college tuition. He promised to not withdraw his financial support, even if he doesn't agree with every decision she makes.... Adrian confessed to the Dean that he's dating Colleen.... Colleen was so nervous about Adrian that she accidentally spilled a drink on a patron's suit. She apologized, but the guy wouldn't let up. Heather, who was also dining there, intervened and used her status as DA to get the guy to back off. Later, Adrian told her that the dean is okay with him teaching at GCU and dating a student, as long as Colleen isn't in his particular section. After, Adrian thanked Heather for helping out Colleen. He was taken aback when Heather informed him that she's taking his class.

Nick invited his parents to join him and his sister for lunch. Victor and Nikki soon arrived and immediately Victoria told them about her engagement. They insisted that they were happy for her, even though they were having a difficult time hiding their sadness over the divorce. Nick revealed that he's returning to Newman as a co-CEO. Victor then dropped the bomb: He and Nikki are splitting. Neither Vicky nor Nick was surprised, but wondered why they'd given up on their relationship. Nikki explained it was exhausting for them to keep going; Victor reminded them that Nikki cheated with David. Nikki retaliated that Victor had abandoned her; Vic called this a "simple-minded" statement. The kids looked on in alarm as their parents' argument escalated. Victor soon gave up and stormed out, while Nikki broke down in tears. She wished she could feel angry rather than sad, and admitted that Victor's controlling nature had once comforted her. Nick went after his father and invited him to build a cradle for Victoria with him. A confused Vic said he didn't have time to do it, but Nick kept going on about it. Somehow this turned into a metaphor for how Nikki is a "tree" who's stood by her husband. Victor didn't want to discuss her. Nick warned him not to cut off everyone who loves him.

At Newman, Victoria and Nick discussed the last time their parents divorced. Brad interrupted them and made disparaging remarks about her engagement to J.T. Carlton warned her that if the baby's his, he's raising him.... Nikki told David that the kids know about the divorce.... Victoria and Nick paid another visit to their dad at work, urging him to be respectful to their mother. They left when Nikki arrived and called J.T. and Phyllis to say they loved them. Meanwhile, Victor had harsh words for Nikki: "How does it make you feel having failed in business and as a wife?" he asked.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

From prison, Phyllis called Nicholas to wish him a happy birthday. Jana felt bad for Phyllis having to be away from Nick. She promised to make the day special for Phyllis, but Phyll didn't want her "help." After, Nick brought by Summer dressed in an adorable lavender ensemble and matching beret. The baby began to cry when Phyllis held her.

Kevin went to see Michael so he could help Kevin with Jana. Instead, he found Gloria there, who complained to him about Jeffrey. Meanwhile, Maggie met with Jeff at the GCAC and told him that she's trying to finish solving the moisturizer case for his late brother William. Jeffrey was intrigued. Maggie wondered why he's so interested in the case; he explained that Will had sent him a secret sign, indicating that he needed help with something. Maggie promised to solve the case.... Gloria made some calls to see if Jeff was still in town. She believed that Jeff was playing a game with her, but Kevin believed that if he knew about her tainting the cream, he would've already turned her in to the police. Glo was determined to find out why Bardwell was in town and what he wanted from her.

From Crimson Lights, Colleen called Adrian to check in, but he couldn't speak long because he needed to get to a department meeting at GCU. After, Heather ran into Colleen at the coffeehouse and praised Adrian's teaching abilities. Colleen offered to let Heather borrow one of her textbooks. On their way out, the ladies ran into Michael and Lauren. Heather informed him that the ruling on Phyllis's appeal would be that day.... Later, Heather stopped by Colleen and Adrian's place and noticed a figurine on the desk. Heather explained that it looked like one that belonged to her roommate, Macey, who'd killed herself. She confirmed this when she noticed a chip in it which was exactly like one that was on Macey's statue. Soon, Adrian returned home and explained that Macey's parents had given it to him after she died as a way of thanking him. After Heather left, Adrian admitted to Colleen that he still feels guilty over Macey's death and that he kept the figurine as a reminder to always do the right thing.

Michael faxed Phyllis, who was still visiting with Nick and Summer. She had a difficult time containing her excitement over possibly being released. "It's going to be a really happy birthday or a really crappy birthday," she told Nick, being careful to mouth "crappy" for Summer's benefit. Phyllis admitted that she spends most of her day in prison sitting and hoping, and that if she lost, she'd have no more hope. Back at the coffeehouse, Michael confided to Lauren that he doesn't have much hope for Phyllis getting out.... Phyllis wanted Nick to be there with her when she got the results of the appeal, but the prison guard wouldn't let him stay. After, Nick told Lauren that Phyllis is freaked out. He feared that having Summer visit made things worse for her by reminding her how infrequently she'd see her daughter.... Michael met with Phyllis and tried to be realistic, but hopeful.

Kevin visited Jana in jail. He informed her that he's planning to put up a Web site explaining how her tumor affected her and made her kill Carmen. Jana still felt guilty for murdering someone.

Gloria and Jeff met at the GCAC. He confided in her that while he and Will didn't get along when they were younger, they reunited as adults. Will then stole Miranda from him and ended up marrying her —— which ruined the brothers' relationship.

Lauren, Nick and Michael anxiously waited for news on Phyllis's appeal. As the waited, Fen began walking. Michael grabbed the video recorder, but a fax then came through. He held it up as the others eagerly looked on

Friday, October 12, 2007

At the prison, Michael sadly informed Phyllis that her appeal was denied. She became hysterical. "I cannot stay in here another day," she cried. "I have to get out of here, please." Michael tried to remain optimistic for her, and told her that Nicholas is trying to work something out, as well.... Nicholas stopped by Victor's office and begged him to get Phyllis out of prison.... Michael blamed Jack for Phyllis's predicament. Jack visited her in jail and promised to fight with her. Phyllis admitted to him that Victor offered to get her released, provided she testified against Jack. Jack replied that he'd take a fall for her, but she didn't want to betray a friend. The prison chaplain, Reverend Anderson, then came to visit her. Jack was unnerved that Phyllis knew the same chaplain who'd worked with John on his will (which Jack tricked John into altering) when John was in prison.

Colleen went to Adrian's class and gave him a nice "welcome back to teaching" gift. Heather then chatted with her about artists. Heather wanted to ask Adrian some more questions, but he blew her off.

At the GCAC, Nikki lamented to David about her divorce and the problems with Clear Springs. David suggested she relax and spend the day with him. He opened up to her about his past relationship problems, and promised to support Nikki. Later at Newman, Nikki babysat Summer. Nick stood in the doorway and watched them together, a pained expression on his face. He eventually interrupted and asked his mother why she took Summer out of daycare; Nikki explained that she doesn't spend enough time alone with her. Nikki assured him that she wasn't talking trash about Phyllis. Nick allowed his daughter to spend more time with her grandmother. After, they discussed Victor. Nikki feared what would happen with her businesses now that she and Victor were splitting.

Nick questioned Victor about his treatment of Nikki. Victor noted that Nikki went against his wishes when she ran for Senate and then cheated on him. "Does it still have to end in a bitter divorce?" asked Nick. "You bet," Victor replied.

Colleen informed Jack that Brad is now paying for her tuition again, and will reimburse Jack. Jack was suspicious. He then told her that Ashley is engaged, which was a nice shout-out to the character who is indeed engaged to Ridge on B&B. Heather joined Paul for a cup of coffee at Crimson Lights. She then called Macey's parents, explaining that she needs to ask them something. After, she confided in Paul how she was jealous of Macey's close-knit family. Heather revealed that her mother never remarried after dealing with Heather's abusive stepdad. She also told Paul that her stepfather even hit her once. Paul was devastated when his daughter noted her regret that her real father (who unbeknownst to her is Paul) never got to know her. Later, Heather spoke with Macey's parents and told them about seeing the figurine on Adrian's desk. They revealed that they hadn't given it to him.... Paul filled in Maggie on his talk with Heather. He regretted not being there for Heather.... Adrian and Colleen fooled around at home. They were interrupted when Heather stopped by and told them what Macey's parents had said.

Jana met with David at the prison. David admitted that he was reluctant to meet with her after what she did to Carmen. Jana noted that the anniversary of Carmen's death is in a few weeks, and asked if he could help her contact the family. David wondered why she targeted Carmen; Jana explained that her illness took over her. David recalled how devastated he'd been when he got the news. Jana wanted to turn her life around to make up for what she'd done. Later, Jana confided in Phyllis that even though she was sick, it doesn't change the fact that she murdered someone.

Michael, Jack, Nikki, Nick and Victor met at Newman to discuss how to get Phyllis released. Nikki suggested getting Phyllis a new lawyer, but Michael insisted on staying on as the attorney. Michael then suggested that they find a way to get Phyllis out on work release so that she can work on Clear Springs. Nikki urged Victor to do it for Summer. Later, Nick returned to the prison and assured his wife that he's doing whatever he can to get her out of there. Phyllis told him to keep Summer away from Nikki, but Nick explained that it might just be Nikki who helps get her released.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Her appeal turned down, Phyllis hung with her cellmate, Jana, and figured she might as well use the gym to keep her New Year's resolution. Jana jokingly suggested they get in shape to break out, before admitting she was probably stuck in the prison for the long haul. Jana then suggested they play, "Whose life sucks more?" As they traded misdeeds, Jana was the clear winner. Later, Jana daydreamed about having kids and after insisting Phyllis had her finger on the pulse of her family even from prison, she called Daniel for her. After that, she commended Phyllis on raising a great boy. Then the warden came in with news on contraband in the block. "We're limiting the use of the day room to one hour per prisoner per day," he announced. Phyllis argued about fairness, so she was cuffed and taken to "seg."

After Daniel and Jack worried over Phyllis and plotted over getting her into the pilot work release program, Sharon caught Nick sketching an image of Phyllis behind bars. He wasn't confident about the release program, so she offered to distract him with talk of Cassie's Challenge. Then she went and asked Jack for permission to do the event with her ex. He balked, so she admitted she was worried about Nick and suddenly came up with a plan. She suggested they do the event at the casino. Jack jumped immediately on board, but Nick feared the negative impact of having a drunk driving event at a casino that serves booze and added, "I just don't like the idea of using my daughter's memory to help restore your husband's image." Nick ultimately agreed to check the site out before making a decision. Once alone, Sharon prepped Jack for the ethics committee by firing tough questions at him. When the call came, however, his appearance before the committee had been "delayed indefinitely." They celebrated the first win in a while with a hug, but before Sharon could get home to break open the champagne with Jack, Maggie showed up. "Did you know that you were the last person seen on the security camera outside Ji Min's door?" she asked Jack. After he again denied fighting with Ji Min, she countered, "Then how exactly do you explain your dog's hair on Ji Min's clothing?"

Amber was very frustrated at having to watch Crimson Lights customers Heather and Cane flirting. While Cane talked Heather into joining him for a "pre-date," Daniel arrived and tried to cheer up Amber, but he was the one who needed it. The pals hit the basketball court to "blow off steam," but instead of shooting baskets, Daniel showed Amber how to chuck the ball at the wall for release. Amber got out her aggression, but the last ball went straight into Cane's hands, because apparently basketball counts as a pre-date. Cane said he and Heather would wait their turn on the court, but Daniel defended Amber and told them to get lost. Heather challenged them to a game of two-on-two instead. It wasn't fairly matched since Heather knew how to play, while Amber didn't. Before Amber stormed off, she saw Cane massaging Heather's leg, which was cramping. At the bar, Daniel tried to get Amber to accept that Cane had moved on and then asked how she planned on financing her much talked about upcoming album. When she left him, she called a Mr. Jacobs and told him she had the money to start recording. Then she snuck into the storage room to recover the stolen money. She was feeling pretty good, until she walked past the basketball court again. Cane was carrying "injured" Heather and they were kissing. Cane found an opening to ask Heather about the Ji Min case before the kiss.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

At the GCAC, Jill grilled Maggie about the Ji Min investigation. When Jill revealed she kept reliving the moment when she'd looked into his dead eyes, a touched Maggie told her they'd found dog hair on Ji Min, "most likely from a golden retriever, like Jack Abbott's dog," and that Jack was the last person cameras caught leaving before the body was discovered. She insisted the evidence was only circumstantial, but Jill was wound up when Cane arrived with his date, Heather. While Jill vented to her son, Maggie told Heather she suspected Jack had more to tell. Then Heather and Cane sat together and he again pushed for info on the Ji Min case. Frustrated, she rose and excused herself, but agreed to another date, "So long as you can understand that I can't always tell you everything you want to hear." Later, he called to make sure she made it home safe and to apologize. "If I made you feel uncomfortable, I didn't mean to do that," he said. Afterward, he chucked a basketball at the wall in frustration.

Sharon returned to the Abbott manse ready to toast her man, but Jack's mood had been "mooted" by news that he was Maggie's number one suspect. He figured it was time to get an attorney and worried, "As far as my credibility with my constituents is concerned, this may be one scandal too many." Sharon offered to help him talk it out, but also insisted they celebrate his win with the ethics committee. Instead Jill showed up and wasted no time in asking about the dog hair. Sharon defended Jack, reminding her that was still undetermined, and Jack added that even if it were his dog's hair, that proved nothing. "You need someone to blame and you've picked me," he countered, but she just accused him of getting into an unplanned fight and leaving Ji Min to die. Before storming out, she shocked Sharon with news that Jack was the last one to see Ji Min. Eventually, Sharon skewered Jack for not telling her about the surveillance tapes and threatening Ji Min, but her "real concern" was that things kept looking worse for her innocent hubby. After some hand-holding, she left to pick up Noah. With Jack left alone, John came to speak to him, reminding him Sharon was the best thing that's happened to him lately, but she's not the only one looking after him. Jack insisted on his innocence, so his father said to take control of the situation. "The only thing I have any control over is finding the killer myself," Jack said, and John liked the plan.

Michael's plan to visit Phyllis was delayed when he saw Gloria was dolled up for a date with Jeff. "Hanging out with Jeffrey Bardwell is dangerous," warned Michael, who was confident Jeff wanted to claim his brother's money and send Gloria to jail. He was not calmed by Gloria's insistence that she knew not to trust him and could handle herself. When Gloria got to the GCAC, Jeff came up from behind and gave her a start. Once they sat, he got her talking about John. "John was the first man who ever let me know it was all right to hold my head up high," she said, "even if he did leave me out of his will." She was sure it was Jack's doing, which Jeff could relate to. "I'll never know for sure if William just really left me out of his will, or if he was manipulated into doing it," Jeff mused, but Gloria scoffed that William wasn't one to be manipulated. Then Jeff avoided questions about the animosity between him and his family by revealing he'd made big money, only to lose it. He was hoping to get into the real estate opportunities in the area, but swore he wasn't asking her to invest. After she left, he sidled up to Jill at the bar. When she told him William ended up with someone else instead of her, he demurred, "I know Gloria. I also know my brother made the wrong choice."

Phyllis watched prison life drag on around her until the prison chaplain joined her. She balked at praying with him, but agreed to chat, "no third party involved." She revealed her hopes to work on Jack's Clear Springs Web site through the prison's pilot work release program. She accepted her responsibility in having landed in prison, but was desperate for a sign that things would work out. The reverend mentioned faith and told her that even John Abbott had struggled at the end. Later, Michael told her to be on good behavior if she wanted to get into work release and she insisted she was a "model prisoner." When she mentioned her talks with the reverend, Michael recalled that it was during John's final days that he rewrote his will. Michael was sure his mother was "Jacked" out of her inheritance, but Phyllis jumped to Jack's defense and refused to believe John had been manipulated by his son. Michael said of Jack, "If we take a stack of his good deeds and a stack of his sins, and we put them on the scales of justice, the good ones would be cantilevered out of the county." Later, Phyllis asked the reverend about John while Michael returned home to find his mother sitting in the dark. She was sure Jeff wasn't interested in anything but her money.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Victoria hung out with Nick and Summer at Crimson Lights, daydreaming about the Newman still in utero. When Jill ran into them, she said she was "coping." That made the sibs talk about the unfairness of life, while Jill waxed maternal with Cane over having missed his childhood. Then Jill left Cane, who started daydreaming about Lily...until Heather showed up. When Heather asked for another date, he said he had too much work to do, but asked for a raincheck. Then he checked in with JT, who'd gotten a tip in Clear Springs that someone was selling low-grade concrete at high prices to his foreman's contractor. Cane wanted proof before they blew the lid off the scam. Next, he met back up with his mom at the GCAC. She shared her Ji Min death nightmares with him and then told him about Jack's final meeting with Ji Min. When Cane waxed romantic about his perfect woman, he clearly had someone in mind — and it wasn't Heather. Talk went back to Ji Min and Cane perked up when Jill insisted age wasn't important. Not missing a beat, she advised, "If you're lucky enough to find somebody that you love, you grab it." He called Lily as soon as his mom left.

On their way to work, Nick and Victoria discussed how to raise sales numbers for the condos at Clear Springs. Newly back as co-CEO, Nick promised to get up to speed ASAP. Then they were called into a meeting with Victor. He let them prattle on about their plans and complemented them on working together, though not on their actual plans. Then he gave Victoria a baby naming book and she decided she was going to stop being superstitious about the baby. They joked about names and then Nick revealed he needed someone to watch Summer while he visited Phyllis and the Clear Springs construction site. Victoria was also heading to CS, so she couldn't help. After more baby talk, she admitted she was worried about undercover JT, who was busy talking up his foreman. JT casually warned that the concrete looked too wet, but the foreman shrugged him off. Later, he told Victoria, "I can't tell if he's legit or if he's bluffing. He's got a good poker face." Just about everyone was worried that Victoria was driving herself to Clear Springs and after some more bonding with Dad, Nick suggested Victoria drive with him, but she was over-worrying and said she'd be fine.

Lily vented about getting a bad grade, but was more upset to realize she'd "scribbled Cane's name in the margins of my quiz, like I'm back in middle school." Colleen suggested they talk over coffee, but then Lily got an IM from "IB_Romeo" that said, "I miss you." She assumed it was from Daniel, since that was his screen name when she was in boarding school, but it turned out to be her friend Mia teasing her. Lily could hardly bring herself to tell Mia she was divorced. It was all the more awkward when she ran into Daniel in the halls. She made an excuse to leave, so Daniel took the chance to tell Colleen that he knew about Lily's crush and that Cane was romancing Heather. Later, at Crimson Lights, Colleen said goodbye to Adrian, who was off to Clear Springs as well. Heather teased them about their public makeout session and after Adrian left, Heather admitted she was a cynic when it came to love. After asking vague questions, Colleen asked if things were romantic with Heather and Cane. Lily showed up just in time to hear Heather say they were "hanging out" and had shared a "not disappointing" first kiss. Lily smiled and took off. Colleen followed and Lily insisted she was fine, but needed to "get a grip." She also admitted that for all that happened with Daniel, she would "do it all over again." She figured Cane was the way she'd avoided her feelings of loss over Daniel, which is why she didn't answer when Cane called.

Daniel invited Amber to make some quick money by working for Jack. She planned to get into her music and designing, which would ultimately win Cane back. Her new song was all about Cane kissing other girls. "My ex is playing your ex," she told Daniel, realizing she had another good song. Later, she was on the phone setting up her studio time and agreed to a $15,000 deposit in cash. Then she got to work with Daniel, but kept turning the convo with talk of her CD. Nick interrupted and asked Daniel to baby-sit Summer at the tack house

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Cane checked in with JT at Clear Springs to see if Boddington "took the bait." JT promised to keep him posted and after he hung up, Victoria warned she'd bring charges if kickbacks were involved. JT set out to get her proof. He went to the site and warned Boddington that the "slump" in the cement was off, indicating it was "substandard." Boddington threatened to transfer or drug test him if he didn't get back to work. Later, Victoria ran into Boddington having a biz lunch with David. David told her they'd made time with the condos, but Victoria was clearly suspicious. When she told JT, he told her he needed more than her gut instinct. Back at the site, Boddington acknowledged the slump. JT asked for a raise, posing it as blackmail by saying, "I've been around here long enough to know that truckload wasn't an isolated case." As if on cue, Victoria showed up and praised the work going on. Boddington told her JT had been promoted to supervisor, but JT continued to push for the raise after she left. Later JT updated Paul, who revealed Boddington had made five big cash deposits in recent months, but that there was "no connection yet to David." Maggie was listening in and asked if she could come to Clear Springs with Paul for a romantic getaway. Katherine also insisted on visiting CS when she heard Cane was going to handle the kickback situation. Meanwhile, Boddington called JT to offer a 25 percent raise. JT wanted more, so they agreed to schedule a face to face.

Phyllis was giddy when she told Michael she'd gotten into the work release program, but Michael was serious in his insistence that she follow the rules. Jack was almost as excited to hear the news as Nick was, but Sharon just rolled her eyes. Jack was in a state because, having given a free pass by the ethics committee, he was now being called Teflon Jack by the press. Sharon suggested they take a break by hitting Clear Springs with Noah, and Jack agreed. When Nick joined them, Sharon suggested he meet up with them there. Instead, he was going to check out the casino as a site for Cassie's Challenge. Meanwhile, set on getting back to work at Newman, Nick thanked Neil for stepping in as co-CEO. When he compared Victor's right-hand man to a backup quarterback, however, Neil asked if that meant he was being sent back to the bench. He went to Victor for that answer and after they talked biz, Victor admitted he needed to figure out where Neil fit. Later, they looked at a Clear Springs sales graph and Victor announced he wouldn't allow Nikki to continue to risk her marital assets. Neil was excused when Nick interrupted with news on Phyllis. While the Newman men bonded a bit over family, Neil vented to Karen. Then, after landing a new skincare product for Newman, he met with Victor again. Nick had also done good biz recently and an impressed Victor revealed he'd figured out the CEO situation: Nick would run cosmetics, Neil would run venture capital and Victoria would head up the real estate division. Everyone was cool with the "triumvirate."

Lauren stopped by Crimson Lights pressed for time. She was supposed to head to Clear Springs with Michael, so she asked Amber to bring some things to the GC store for her. Amber took the chance to show her some original designs she'd done the night before, but Lauren only promised to look at them when she returned and left Amber with a "To Do" list. In her rush, however, she left her design plans, so Amber agreed to bring them to CS for her the next morning. When Lauren met Michael, he promised her a romantic night, but then Victor called him in to draft a takeover bid. On his way in, he ran into Nick and warned him to follow the rules with Phyllis. "If you get caught bending the rules, even a little, Phyllis will go back to jail for six years." Nick assured him they'd follow the rules, but Michael sighed in worried disbelief as he walked away.

At breakfast with Nikki, Katherine was surprised to hear about her impending divorce. Katherine laughed at Nikki's expectation that Victor would change, but Nikki countered that she had changed, "and that's what he can't accept." She admitted all she needed from Victor was his acknowledgment that she was smart. "Walking away from marriage is so easy. But to fight for a marriage, flawed as it may be? Is very, very hard," Katherine reasoned, challenging a teary Nikki to reevaluate her decision. Later, Nikki spoke to Victor's portrait, saying she still saw the man she fell in love with in him. Her affectionate mood came crashing down when the real man showed up and called in her loan. They argued until Victor screamed, "I'm saving you from disaster! I'm allowing you to leave this marriage with some money and your dignity intact! You should be thanking me!"

Friday, October 19, 2007

Clear Springs was abuzz with Genoa City power players. In their hotel room, JT and Victoria joked around about baby names until work called. Before heading out to meet Adrian, Victoria decided to put on her engagement ring — baby superstitions be damned! When she met Adrian, he had a publishing emergency, so they agreed to meet up later in the garage.

Before setting out to go over security at the new Clear Springs Fenmore's, Paul, Maggie and Lauren went for brunch and ran into Cane and Katherine. Katherine underplayed her reason for being in CS, but got back to discussing the kickback situation as soon as Lauren walked away. Nearby, Sharon, Nick and Noah chatted about the morning while Jack took business calls. After Jack shrugged off the caller's fear that there would be a recall election, he got Nick to confirm his casino as the location for Cassie's Challenge. When Phyllis called bursting with excitement over her first day at work, Nick reminded her they have to follow the rules. Then Noah came on to tell her he got a job stuffing envelopes for Jack so they could see each other. When Lauren found Nick later, he asked her to watch Noah while he talked to Jack. Noah was mad he wasn't going to the skate park and it was even worse that he was going to a "girls' store." Paul stepped in, offering to take him fishing instead, and Maggie agreed to hit Fenmore's with Lauren. When Amber showed up with the plans Lauren had forgotten, she took advantage of the face time. She showed Lauren the hip young designs she'd been working on for Fenmore's opening fashion show, and then gave her a CD of her music to use for the event. Lauren teased her, but said, "You will definitely have a presence at the opening." When Maggie arrived, she said Noah was playing video games upstairs. Then, not realizing Maggie didn't know, Lauren let slip that she was once married to Paul. Maggie didn't hesitate to ask Paul about it. They laughed, but she was clearly a bit annoyed. Lauren returned with Noah and suggested they all go to Fenmore's to pick up fishing supplies, followed by a group fishing expedition.

Meanwhile, Katherine and Cane arrived at the "huge" Clear Springs garage to meet JT, but first they ran into David and Nikki. While David went to contact some folks about covering the loan Victor was calling in, Nikki told Katherine about the failed peace meeting with her soon-to-be ex and begged for help. Katherine could offer an extension on the money Nikki owed her, but no additional financial assistance. Instead, Kay called Victor and told him off, calling him "ruthless and almost inhumane." He guessed she'd turned down Nikki's plea for money and said, "If you thought it was a bad business proposition, why wouldn't I?" Victor's next angry call came from Nick, who'd also run into Nikki and learned about him calling in the loan. "I am not letting this go. Because this involves all of us, not just you and Mom," Nick warned, to which Victor countered, "Stay out of this." Meanwhile, Nikki saw Jack and asked for a loan. "Can you imagine what would happen if Victor were in charge?" she challenged, but he said he couldn't afford to help. Later, Jack drove to the casino with Nick and Sharon. Nick took the chance to ask him about his part in Ji Min's death and mutter about the police suspecting him. He was worried how the recent happenings would affect Noah. When the trio got to the garage, they ran into Victoria and Adrian, who were raving about the beauty of the Clear Springs reconstruction. Nick pulled his sis aside to talk about the Victor situation. Victoria was shocked and immediately called Victor. "I have been overseeing Clear Springs since Newman got involved. I have put my heart and soul into this project. What you've done is selfish and vindictive. You should've consulted me," she raged. When he hung up on her, Adrian suggested she take it easy, but Victoria was livid. "I'll show him just how much I am my father's daughter," she growled.

When Kay met with JT and Cane, Cane said they were clear, "Unless the city inspector's on the take." Kay suggested they keep investigating on the down-low. Then she visited the contraction site, where she talked to Boddington. JT walked the garage and found a major construction flaw: A concrete support beam had a crack that easily opened. It seemed hollow inside and there were more cracks in the area. He called Cane, who was with his grandmother and trying to shake Amber, and asked them down to the garage. They were shocked at all the cracks he showed them and realized they were going to lose big money fixing things.

Meanwhile, Nikki and David had tapped out all their loan options. As David gave her a pep talk about future projects, the building next to them started collapsing. It was the garage! Trapped under the rubble, Sharon gasped for air

Monday, October 22, 2007

The show opened with a slow pan over the Clear Springs disaster site. In the collapsed casino's parking garage, amidst the wrecked cars and piles of rubble and smoke, an unconscious Sharon suddenly opened her eyes and gasped.

Meanwhile, at the prison, Phyllis watched the news in horror as it reported the accident. She frantically called Nicholas to see if he was okay, and of course, got the machine.

At Clear Springs, an injured Nick also awakened in the rubble and called out to other survivors. When he heard Jack calling to him, Nick pushed some debris out of the way so that Jack could move. Both men called for Sharon. They found her and tried to help her stand up, but she screamed in agony. "What happened here?" she wondered. "Chicken Little, I don't know, I think the sky fell in," Jack cracked, but Sharon wasn't in a joking mood. Jack constructed a homemade brace for her leg by tying boards around it. Jack noted that they needed to escape if they wanted to survive. The trio dug around and found their cell phones, aspirin and bandages. The men began to argue over which way they should head out, but were interrupted when the ceiling caved in some more. They both lifted Sharon to her feet so they could start moving out of danger, but they couldn't find an escape route. Sharon feared that the structure was too unstable for even a rescue team to search for them.

A panicked Nikki called Victor and filled him in on the event. She informed him that Nick isn't answering his cell phone. Victor urged her to get away from the building, but she refused to leave without their son. Victor then got a call from Phyllis, asking if he heard from Nick. He told her that he hadn't, but that he was heading to Clear Springs to check everything out. He promised to have Nick call her right away once they found him. After, Jana tried to comfort Phyllis by having her imagine Nick enjoying an activity that made him happy.... David made emergency phone calls.... Nikki again spoke with Victor. He warned her that this could be sabotage.... A desperate Phyllis called Sharon and Jack also got their voice mail systems. Phyll was upset when the prison refused to let her leave to check out the scene.

Nikki and David checked around some of the Clear Springs establishments to see if Nick, Sharon and Jack had been at them. Victor then called and they discussed how they hadn't heard from Victoria, either. He noted that the phone systems were overloaded because so many people were making calls. David tried to comfort her by assuring her that her kids would be okay.

In the garage, Nick thought he felt fresh air. While Jack went to investigate it, Nick tried to help an injured Sharon. Jack returned and said that he also felt the breeze, but couldn't tell where it was coming from. He also noted that the three of them wouldn't be able to crawl through the passageway without it collapsing. All three volunteered to stay behind. They finally drew straws and Jack was the loser. Sharon reminded him how much she loves him and they kissed. Nick promised to come back for Jack, but Jack didn't want him to return if it was too dangerous. Nick refused to let Jack be the only hero. He then thanked his former stepfather for making him the man he is. The men helped Sharon through the opening, and then Sharon followed. Jack called after them, assuring them that he'd be okay.

At Newman, Victor and Neil speculated about what might have caused the disaster. Neil also wondered if it was sabotage.... Phyllis called Daniel and told him that she needed to get out of the prison. He was shocked when she filled him in on the accident. Daniel promised to check out Clear Springs for her.... Neil informed Brad about Clear Springs. They agreed to drive up there together. Before they left, Brad left Sharon a message pleading with her to call him. As they rode to the site, Brad called Nikki. Nikki, who was beside herself, replied that she hadn't heard from Sharon, Jack or Nick. She recounted how horrible it had been seeing the collapse, and began to cry. After Brad hung up, Neil chastised him for asking Nikki about Sharon when she already had Nick to worry about. Brad blasted Neil for giving him an attitude.... Phyllis also continued to leave frantic messages for Nick, Jack and Sharon.

Jack struggled to push through the rubble, but was having difficulties breathing.... David found Nikki and reported that someone was coming out of the garage: it was Nick and Sharon. As the authorities helped them, Nick informed them that Jack was still down there. Nikki and David arrived at the scene, and she was overjoyed to see that her son was okay. Their happiness was short-lived, though, when a crew member informed them that Noah is also trapped down there. Nick and Sharon understandably freaked out.... Underneath the debris, Noah was unconscious

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

At the Clear Springs disaster site, a concerned Victor finally arrived. Nicholas wanted to go back into the rubble to search for Noah, but Victor urged him not to. An injured Sharon refused to get medical help until they knew Noah was okay. In jail, Phyllis was thrilled when Nick called her, but he sadly informed her that Noah and Jack were still trapped.

Jack attempted to crawl through the debris, but was coughing and gasping. After speaking with Phyllis, Nick told the rescue crew that Jack was still down there. Brad and Neil arrived and planned to help search for Victoria, whom no one had heard from. Victor suggested that he and Nikki talk to the incident commander.... Nick tried to keep Sharon from falling apart. Sharon feared that she'd lose another child and her husband. She recalled that her last conversation with Noah had been about something trivial.... Neil informed the press that Jack volunteered to stay behind while Nick and Sharon escaped.

Noah was with Paul, Maggie and Lauren. Noah complained that his ribs hurt, and Maggie concluded that they were broken. Paul promised them that he'd get them out, however, Lauren began to have a panic attack. Paul managed to dig through an opening and crawled through. Noah tried to joke around, but Lauren found no humor in the situation. She blamed herself for their predicament since they'd been in her store. The four continued to root around until they came across a pile of what looked like bodies. They weren't — they were actually mannequins from the destroyed Fenmore's, but still pretty creepy. Thankfully, none came to life like Kim Cattrall. Maggie kept Noah calm and gave him the juice box she had with her.

Back in Genoa City, Michael answered his phone. It was Lauren, who managed to reach him, but their connection was poor. She managed to tell him that they were trapped, but was cut off after she said that she loves him. Michael called Victor to find out what was happening. Victor replied that they don't know what caused the disaster, but he promised to give Michael an update on Lauren's situation. A concerned Gloria joined Michael to wait for news.... Phyllis and Jana watched news of the disaster in jail. A frustrated Phyllis threw a chair, but Jana took the blame when the guard came in.

Jack made some progress as he pushed his way through the debris, but he collapsed, gasping for air.

Paul wanted to see if he could light something so they could see better, but Lauren warned him that there had been problems with methane during the construction. Paul found a flashlight, but Noah's condition began to deteriorate. Lauren continued to panic, but Paul managed to comfort her.

Michael, Gloria and Kevin arrived at Clear Springs. "Are you sure it's going to be all right?" Gloria asked Michael. "No, no it won't," Michael replied, noting that Lauren suffers from claustrophobia. Gloria wanted to stay hopeful and said that when Lauren got out, she'd treat her daughter-in-law to a day at the spa. Michael became angry, blaming the NVP spa project for kicking off Clear Springs.... Kevin called Jana at the jail and said that he was working on a Web site listing survivors. Phyllis now had Lauren to worry about, and yelled at an inmate when she switched off the news.

Underground, Lauren shrieked when part of the roof fell in. Paul suggested she think about something positive. Lauren thought about Michael and ... Gloria. "I said think about happy times," Paul joked. "I see you," Lauren added. "My knight in shining armor." Once she felt better, Lauren joined Maggie in caring for Noah. Just then, one of the rescue workers managed to contact them.

In slow motion, the rescue crew pulled out Maggie, then Noah on a stretcher. Sharon, Nick, Nikki and Victor went to be with Noah, as Michael, Kevin and Gloria hopefully looked on. Finally, Lauren and Paul emerged; Lauren, her husband and in-laws engaged in a group hug. Paul brought a shaken Maggie water and told her he was glad he'd been stuck with her. Maggie suggested they go to the hospital, but he wanted to stick around and help out. "My hero," Maggie cooed. Michael and Lauren were enjoying being together again, but then Lauren asked about Amber's whereabouts. Daniel frantically called her.... Phyllis spoke to Nick and was thrilled to hear Noah was out, but was still worried about Jack.... Jack was trapped even more as some rubble fell on him.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

At Clear Springs, Jack was still stuck in the rubble. He struggled to make his way through, but became more and more exhausted.

Kevin worked on the Web site tracking the accident victims.... Daniel left more messages for Amber — who was stuck underground in her car. A bloodied Amber began to gasp and scream, frantically honking on its horn. The noise caused some debris to fall.... Cane and J.T. were trapped with Katherine. J.T. began to dig through the fallen blocks, but more fell on them. Kay noticed some light, so the guys followed it. Amber continued to yell for help. She managed to kick out the glass in the car's windows and escape the vehicle. She began crawling through the garage, but then remembered that she had to get her sketches from the car.

Jill was glad to see Paul was safe, but was concerned about Cane and Katherine. "What's it like down there?" she asked. "You don't want to know about that," Paul replied, but Jill said that she did. Paul assured her that there are "safe areas" within the rubble, and called Kay, "One tough, old broad." After, Jill and Nikki waited together. Jill wasn't sure Kay would be able to survive, but Nikki was confident that Kay was strong enough. "Come on out and give me a hard time," Jill prayed to her mother.

Kay, Cane and J.T made their way over to the elevator. Cane gave J.T. a boost so he could check out the access panel on the ceiling. Kay suggested the guys go ahead of her and then return to get her. J.T. told Kay how much he appreciates her and everything she's done for her. He assured her that they're coming back for her. Before saying goodbye to Cane, Kay gave him some practical advice. He and J.T. climbed up the wires in the elevator shaft until they reached the next level.

Kevin and Daniel worried about Amber. Kevin noted that she always manages to get out of trouble somehow.... In the garage, Kay and Amber were overjoyed when they encountered each other. Amber joined her in the elevator. "Now what?" she asked. Kay explained that Cane and J.T. went to find help and urged Amber to do the same. Amber refused to leave her. She offered Kay a candy bar that she found in her purse. Amber also found a fancy pin in her bag and put it on Kay's suit so she could look nicer. Kay found it amusing that Amber would still be so concerned about fashion.

Neil informed Jill, Nikki, Victor and Paul that the rescue team reached someone. It was Cane and J.T. Jill was ecstatic to see her son. The guys told the team that Kay is still down there. J.T. asked Victor and Nikki where Victoria was, but they didn't know.... Daniel noted that no one had heard from Amber.... Cane wanted to go back in after Kay, but the incident commander wouldn't let him. Cane insisted, despite his and Jill's protests, saying that he worked for a prestigious rescue group in Australia. They finally let him help out the rescue team... Nikki continued to fret about Victoria, while Jill worried for Cane.

Amber took a quick look around the garage and found floor mats for them to sit on, as well as a blanket. They then discussed Cane. Amber stated that she really did love him, despite making some stupid mistakes. Kay admitted that she's made mistakes, too, and the women bonded. Kay said that making mistakes is actually the secret to success. Finally, Cane returned with some rescue team members, but Kay didn't think she could crawl up the elevator shaft. One of the team members put Kay in a harness and hoisted her up the shaft. Amber was helped out, as well, and they were all lifted out. Jill was proud of Cane, but he confessed that he made up his Aussie credentials just so the team would let him help out.... Kevin and Daniel were thrilled to see Amber alive and well. Amber suddenly began crying from being so overwhelmed.... Nikki tearfully informed Nikki that Victoria is missing.

Back in the garage, Jack coughed and wheezed. He took a pen and a piece of paper from his pocket and began writing a good-bye letter to Sharon. "My love for you is literally keeping me alive," he wrote, as we heard his thoughts. "In this last hour, I've had so many thoughts about my life ... the good and the bad. I want you to know you and Noah and Kyle and my sisters, you must always remember one thing: I could not have loved you more." "I love you," he said aloud, then fell unconscious.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Nicholas and Sharon waited in the hospital lobby for word on Noah's condition. Sharon felt guilty that they hadn't been with their son during the Clear Springs disaster; Nick was just glad that Noah is alive. Sharon also feared for a still-trapped Jack's fate. Soon, the nurse came out and informed them that Noah had cracked ribs and a broken spleen, and he would need surgery immediately. Another nurse assured Sharon that Noah has a great surgeon.

Colleen arrived in Clear Springs and met up with Kevin. They gave one of Adrian's items to the rescue team so they could have a search dog sniff his scent. Colleen freaked out over the fact that Adrian, Victoria and Jack were missing. "Jack's too toxic to die," cracked Kevin, pointing out that they didn't even know for sure that Adrian and Victoria were in the rubble. Colleen replied that Adrian hadn't checked his cell phone messages. Kevin noted that if he and Colleen could survive being trapped in a freezer in a burning building, then Adrian could survive being trapped in the garage.

J.T. also worried about Victoria.... One of the crew members then handed over Victoria's purse to Victor and Nikki. Nikki completely broke down in Victor's arms.... At the hospital, Nick received a call about Victoria. Sharon comforted him.... Daniel volunteered to help with supplies.... David was alarmed when Nikki told him about Victoria. Nikki was concerned that if Victoria were alive, the stress would affect her pregnancy.... J.T. wanted to find Victoria, but Victor urged him not to do something he wasn't skilled to do.... Colleen panicked when the incident commander revealed that they found the body of a Caucasian male. She prayed it wasn't Jack or Adrian. Neil tried to field questions from the press. He pleaded with them to respect the victims's privacy.... J.T. sadly informed Colleen that they found Victoria's purse. She realized that this meant that Victoria and Adrian were underground.

Sharon was devastated when Nick revealed that they found a male's body. She called Nikki to find out who it was, but she still didn't have information. It turned out to be Joe, the construction supervisor. Sharon was relieved when Niiki said that it was someone she didn't know.

Jack was still unconscious in the rubble.... A trapped Victoria called out for Adrian. She helped him crawl out from behind a pile of cement blocks. Victoria was glad to feel the baby kicking, but she was having a difficult time breathing. They wondered what had happened. Adrian told her that he really admires her; Vicky was happy to have him there with her, so she didn't have to be trapped alone. She was concerned about their air supply, but he assured her that they'd be fine for awhile. He advised her to keep a positive attitude. She believed that her father would do whatever was necessary to find and rescue her. She then shared a story about how when she was younger, she left the house and a worried Victor had a plane write messages in the sky, ordering her to come home.

Sure enough, above ground, Victor was helping the crew search through the rubble with a camera that was lowered below the ground. The crew member warned that the methane levels were rising, which could cause an explosion.... Nick continued to keep Sharon from falling apart at the hospital.... Later, the incident commander made an announcement about the methane levels and ordered the civilians to leave the area. Colleen and Nikki refused to go.

Below ground, Adrian said that the first thing he's going to do when they get out of there is tell Colleen he loves her. Victoria said that she might go back to Italy or paint a masterpiece — but mainly, she just wanted to get out alive.

The nurse told Nick and Sharon that Noah's surgery went well. However, she said that not having a spleen makes Noah's susceptible to infection and that he'll need to be monitored for the rest of his life.

Above ground, the team spied Victoria and Adrian with their cameras. Nikki and Victor were overjoyed. The crew called down to Victoria, who asked about J.T. Suddenly, there was an explosion. Victor and Nikki were fine; Victor dove into the rubble to find his daughter.... Adrian and Victoria were still alive, but a piece of rebar was stuck in Adrian's side. Victoria began screaming for help. She then spied an opening and insisted that they crawl through it.

Meanwhile, Victor found a body in the mess; it was Jack's. The rescue team helped him get Jack out; thankfully, Abbott was still alive.... Daniel called Sharon to let her know.... Victoria helped Adrian through the opening, and they were met by J.T. J.T. assisted Adrian as Victoria exited the building. However, just as she was running to greet her parents, she fell and was knocked unconscious.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Victoria, after getting hit on the head and falling, was wheeled into the hospital, unconscious. Nikki, who was beside herself, met up with Nicholas. He wondered how the baby was, but Nikki was mainly concerned with Victoria. The doctor told the Newmans and J.T. that he heard the baby's heartbeat.

Meanwhile, Sharon kept watch over Noah in his hospital room. She was happy when Jack called from his hospital room. Jack said he was fine, save for some bruises, but wasn't sure of the others' conditions. He promised to join her soon. After, Noah awakened and was confused to be in the hospital. Lauren and Michael paid him a visit and told him how brave he'd been during the Clear Springs ordeal, but Noah didn't remember the accident. The Baldwins agreed to watch Noah while Sharon enjoyed a reunion with Jack. Noah was glad to hear that Jack was okay.

A nurse tended to Adrian's leg, which had been pierced by the rebar. He asked how Victoria was doing, but the nurse had no information.... Brad was also desperate to get news on Victoria. Meantime, Brad was suffering from eye irritation, thanks to the explosion.... Jack was willing to postpone his medical tests so he could check up on everyone.

Neil continued to handle questions from the press. Karen volunteered to help him. She suggested he get some rest, but Neil refused. Karen insisted that she could handle the media, but he wanted to wait for news on Victoria. He noted that Devon and Lily were both considering coming up to Clear Springs, so they could've been affected by the tragedy. He was grateful to have Karen there with him.

Colleen tended to Adrian, who explained that he'd need surgery to remove the piece of rebar in his leg. Adrian asked her to take a picture of him with her cell phone. He called himself Adrian "Rebar Man" Korbel. He recounted what the experience had been like for his girlfriend.

The doctor told the Newmans that Victoria's condition was stabilizing, but he had no idea when she'd regain consciousness. Sharon and Jack joined Nick in the lobby; Nick reported that Victoria's blood pressure is high. Nick was glad to see Jack was doing well, but he regretted that they left Jack behind. Nick went to see Noah.... Nikki told the doctor to do anything that was necessary to help Victoria.... Sharon visited Brad, who told her that he only suffered temporary damage to his eyes.... J.T. whispered to Victoria that he loves her.

Paul and Maggie enjoyed a romantic evening together after enduring the disaster. Maggie talked about how great Noah had been throughout it. Paul asked if she'd ever consider having children. She said she wasn't sure, but was willing to "practice" with him. They then had sex, but Paul kind of ruined the moment by bringing up Lauren and her panic attacks. Maggie noted that he and Lauren seemed to be close; Paul said that he still cares for Lauren. Maggie understood and said that she's glad she has Paul in her life. They kissed.

Sharon took Jack to see Noah. Noah remembered some of the accident, including it being dark and difficult to breathe. Jack admitted that he was scared during the disaster. He also praised Noah for taking care of Lauren during it. Sharon agreed that she'd also been frightened in Clear Springs. She thanked Jack for saving her and Nick's lives. Jack was reluctant to take all the credit; he shared that part of why he managed to survive was because he wanted to get back to his family.

Lauren told Michael and Gloria about having a panic attack in Clear Springs. Michael tried to comfort her, but she kept dwelling on the incident. She credited Paul for helping her through it. Later, Gloria brought out Fen so they could play with him, but Lauren was having trouble enjoying herself.

In the hospital lobby, Nick filled in J.T. on his, Sharon and Jack's experience at Clear Springs, then J.T. shared his.... Victor told Nikki how he'd found Jack in the rubble; he admitted that he wouldn't have been able to live with himself if he'd let Jack die. Later, Jack and Sharon found Victor, and Jack thanked him for saving his life. Victor thanked Jack for sacrificing himself for Nick. After, the doctor told the Newmans and J.T. that Victoria's vital signs were good and her blood pressure was holding. "I guess we wait," said J.T. "And we pray," added Nikki. Later, Nurse No-Nonsense told J.T. that he couldn't sit with her because being her fiancé didn't count as being her family. To his credit, he didn't argue with this line of reasoning and asked the nurse to play a CD for Victoria. The nurse again told him to get permission from the family.

The show ended with a montage of Jack and Sharon sitting with Noah; Colleen caring for Adrian (hey, why did she get to be in his room?); Michael comforting Lauren; Karen comforting Neil; Maggie and Paul snuggling in bed; David embracing Nikki as she cried; Victor sitting with his daughter. Outside, J.T. sadly waited by himself.

Monday, October 29, 2007

While Nick and Nikki sat in the waiting room hoping to hear more news on Victoria, Victor made a call to a specialist to come and take over. Inside Victoria's room, J.T. sat at her bedside trying to get her to respond to his voice. He asked her to squeeze his hand, but she didn't move. Victoria's doctor soon returned, but had no word on her condition. Victor informed him that a specialist from Johns Hopkins would be joining in to treat Victoria.

In Noah's room, Sharon watched over Noah while he was sleeping. She spoke with Jack over the phone, and he apologized for not being there because he had to be in the office when Phyllis arrived for her first day of work release. A few minutes later, Daniel showed up escorting Phyllis into Jack's office. Phyllis was thrilled to see Jack, and Jack ordered that she give her new boss a hug. Daniel offered to go get Summer, but Phyllis was hesitant because she didn't want Summer to get used to her being around. Daniel went to get the baby anyway, and Phyllis talked to her, but didn't hold her.

Back at the hospital, Nick returned to Noah's room and Sharon told him that the doctor said Noah was healing well. Nick told Sharon that the doctors still had no idea why Victoria was in a coma. After Nick left to check on Victoria, Nikki came to Noah's room and brought him a gift. Noah seemed unenthusiastic, and complained about stomach pains. Lily also stopped by and brought comic books, and later Phyllis called him from Jack's office. Noah was glad to hear that she was out of jail, but was quickly disappointed when Phyllis told him that she couldn't come visit him. Phyllis asked Sharon to explain to Noah why she couldn't see him at the hospital, and Sharon seemed annoyed with the request.

After Phyllis was settled with enough work to do, Jack went to the hospital to check on Noah. In tears, Sharon told him that she hated that she wasn't with Noah while he was trapped in the garage, and that she wished she could protect him from ever getting hurt again. She thanked Jack for saving her life, but Jack said that he thought Victor was the real hero for saving his.

At the Chancellor offices, Cane sat with Katherine, Jill and Kevin while they drafted a statement from Chancellor to offer the company's sympathies to those injured in the disaster. They all wondered what exactly caused the tragedy, but Cane was quick to blame himself for signing off on the contracts for the development. Later, at Crimson Lights, Cane told Lily how guilty he felt for his involvement with what happened at Clear Springs. Lily told him that he shouldn't blame himself, especially since they hadn't determined what caused the accident. She shared how she'd tried to find someone to blame when Dru died, but later realized that sometimes bad things happened for no reason.

Back in the waiting room, the doctor told Nikki, Victor and J.T. that he was concerned that Victoria could suffer negative biochemical changes to the brain. J.T. became more frustrated, and Cane arrived to help him calm down. Katherine and Jill also stopped by to talk to Nikki and Victor. Nikki told them there hadn't been any change with Victoria, but the baby was doing fine. Katherine told Victor that the newspapers were calling him a hero for saving Jack's life. "What kind of hero am I if I can't save my own daughter?" Victor replied.

After Victor and Nikki left, Jack joined the group in the waiting room. Katherine told him that there was no news on Victoria. Jill immediately began to berate Jack, telling him that saving Nick and Sharon didn't make up for what he did to Ji Min. "I know who you are and I know what you did," she hissed, "and I will damn well never let people forget it."

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Phyllis and Nick discussed making a rendezvous to the closet for a quickie, but instead commiserated about how difficult things have been. Then they bemoaned how hard it was to be so close and not be able to touch, but Nick maintained the work release rules were worth following. Alone later, Phyllis searched for some paperwork but instead found the letter Jack had written Sharon when he thought he was dying. Jack entered as she was reading it aloud and Phyllis wondered why people need emergencies to realize or share these thoughts. He admitted he'd been terrified of dying, but had then realized, "If I don't make it, at least I'll be with my dad." Phyllis quipped that John would have pushed him back to the living side. Then she went to pick up a fax he needed, but the message ended up being, "Turn Around." When she did, Nick was with Summer and while she couldn't join, she enjoyed watching them him talk to her. Before checking out for the day, she slipped Nick a get well card for Noah and when she ran into Jack on her way out, she gave him a pep talk about the Ji Min business. When he asked what was wrong with her, she covered until the elevator closed, but then started crying.

Victor, Nikki and JT stood vigil at Victoria's bedside. They were relieved to hear the baby was safe as long as Victoria remained stable, but Victor was still anxious to hear from the brain/maternity specialist he'd called in. When the local doctor left, he gave Brad the brush-off, telling him to see the Newmans for an update. Brad got better info on Sharon and Noah when Jack passed through the waiting room. Then Nikki came and finally updated him on Victoria and the baby, but later he got a full update from Doc Logan, who warned the baby's health depended on Victoria's and outlined possible complications. Meanwhile, Victor ordered no expense spared in investigating the collapse. "I want to be able to tell her who's responsible for this disaster," he grumbled. "No one will get away with it." When Nikki returned to Victoria, she overheard Victor apologizing. "I didn't realize how much love and care you had devoted to cleaning up that place. I'm sorry that I didn't listen to you, didn't consult with you when I called in your mother's loan." When a nursed arrived to give Victoria a pain test, the comatose patient showed no response. While Nikki waited outside, David revealed there was speculation that Clear Springs had been sabotaged (like the Newman jet), as well as talk about a kickback scheme with inspector payoffs. Nikki didn't hear a thing, so he just comforted her. Victor came into the waiting room next, but only found JT on the phone talking about the CS collapse. He was angry to think JT was hiding anything from him, so JT laid out his recent investigation, including his loose suspicions about David's involvement in the kickbacks. As luck would have it, Nikki returned with David, so Victor immediately questioned him and David denied any involvement. "You better pray right now that I don't find out anything different," Victor warned. After that, JT went in for some alone time with Victoria. Just after he apologized for not halting construction at CS, Brad asked if he could come in. JT said yes and left the room.

At Crimson Lights, Jill grumbled to Cane about the hero press Jack was getting for sacrificing himself to save Nick and Sharon and scoffed that he probably set the whole thing up to help his image. She could barely stand it when Jack arrived to applause. After rehashing their history as family, friends and "sometimes more than friends," she explained, "I cared about him. And now I think...he is a cold-blooded killer." When Jill and Cane got home, they were shocked to find Amber with Katherine. The two were bonding over having survived the garage collapse, with Amber insisting she would take advantage of her second chance. They also exchanged gifts, but talk turned to business when Jill and Cane arrived. Cane was feeling responsible, but Amber suggested they look to the future instead and start a fund for the families. Then she excused herself, inviting Cane to coffee. While they had a peace meeting at Crimson Lights, Katherine took the opportunity to apologize to Jill. She admitted she'd been as big a bully as Victor ever was, and they hugged. Maggie was the next visitor to bond with Katherine, but Jill interrupted, demanding to know what was going on with the case. Maggie kept her cool, promising Jill would be the second person to know when Jack was arrested. Unappeased, Jill called the press with anonymous scoop about the "suspect." Then Victor showed up and demanded to know why Katherine didn't shut down production at Clear Springs. Cane revealed they were inspecting at the time of the collapse, but Victor was on the war path.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Victor told Nick he'd hired a few private investigators. He was determined to learn the cause of the Clear Springs collapse, especially if it was connected to the Newman jet sabotage that almost killed Nick. At Victoria's bedside, Nikki and JT tried to keep things light by debating the merits of a DJ versus a band for his wedding to Victoria. When Maggie and Paul showed up, they were asked to weigh in and they went with it. While Maggie went to get JT some caffeine, Paul tried to talk him and Nikki into taking a break from the hospital. "I'm not leaving here till she comes with me," JT insisted, but Nikki teased that his fiancée would appreciate it if he showered. He agreed, as long as they gave him updates every 15 minutes. After Victor grilled him and Paul, he set out, but ran into Adrian and Colleen. Adrian felt guilty for slowing Victoria down during the collapse, but JT noted, "Then she'd be beating herself up. She's selfless, you know?" While Adrian had his moment of thanks with Victoria, JT ran into David and slammed him with questions about Joe Boddington. David assured JT that he wasn't in the business of hurting people. "I had nothing to do with it. I am tired of being everybody's scapegoat," he said. David was all ready to sue for slander. JT headed out to take a much-needed shower. Nikki and Victor took a break in the hospital waiting room. Victor didn't have any official word on what was behind the collapse. Nikki was certain that David had no part in the disaster. "Whoever is responsible is going to pay, is going to suffer," Victor vowed. David caught up with Nikki and thought he should stay away from the hospital. "I don't want to put you in any more uncomfortable situations," he reasoned. JT returned to the hospital and told Maggie and Paul all the unpleasant things he'd found on the Internet about Victoria's possible fate. "She might never wake up," he worried. JT found Nick talking to Victoria. "We're going to be laughing together real soon," he assured his soon-to-be brother-in-law. JT began talking and singing to the baby.

Sharon cooed over her hero hubby Jack until, as always, the mood was interrupted by a bad news call. This time it was that the press knew Jack was the prime suspect in Ji Min's murder, so when Maggie asked after Noah, Jack snidely pointed the finger at her. She went on the defensive, reminding him she'd been trapped with Noah, but promised to find the leak. Jack told Sharon that when he thought he was going to die he thought of his track record as a husband and father, not as a state senator. Sharon didn't want him to even think about resigning his senate seat. "As long as I am senator, there is going to be someone out there gunning for me," he noted. Then ghost John arrived. "I did not raise a quitter," he told his startled son. Jack told Sharon that the hair found on the crime scene came from a dog with yellow hair. "They have no evidence at all that it came from my dog. I have been outed as a suspect in a homicide without any evidence," he told his wife. Jack remembered that Victor had a dog with yellow hair. p> Noah, meanwhile, wanted to get out for Halloween, but a nurse said it would likely be the following day. Nick cheered him up with a fun costume and Halloween treats and Jack followed with cookies. Nikki also arrived with treats and goodies. Summer was at home with the babysitter. Nick wheeled Noah around the hospital for some tricks and treats when they received a call from Phyllis.

Nick visited his sister and he reviewed some childhood memories. He reminded his sister that she's tough. Victor popped into the hospital chapel. "I would do anything possible to save her life. I guess I need some help. That's why I'm here," he said. Nikki joined Victor in the chapel. They talked about Victoria and how she rallied to keep her pony alive years ago.

The prison chaplain checked in on Phyllis. As he anticipated, she was down after returning from her first day of work release. She tried to play it cool, but ultimately revealed her frustration, especially at not getting to visit Noah in the hospital. "Freedom is not all that it's cracked up to be," she admitted. The chaplain reminded her that she didn't have to do it alone. Phyllis was grateful that her husband Nick is alive. Later, Jana — being part of Gloria's clan — was shocked to here Jack was a hero, but Phyllis defended him. Their conversation came to a quick halt when a television broadcast announced that Jack was a prime suspect in the murder of Ji Min. Phyllis refused to hear any Jack-bashing. Jana listed some of Jack's not-so-nice actions towards Gloria after John died. Phyllis didn't want to hear her go on, so she went in search for the chaplain. The chaplain was glad she called. He asked questions about Nick and how long he was trapped. Phyllis brought up John Abbott's experience in prison and how that changed his life. "John would be very, very proud of his son Jack," she told the puzzled chaplain.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Jill came downstairs to find Cane wrapping up a call. He was relieved to report there were no more casualties from Clear Springs, but frustrated by the nagging press. Ironically, that's when Maggie showed up at their door, angry about Jill telling the press about Jack being the number one person of interest in Ji Min's homicide. Cane snidely denied their involvement, but when Maggie left, he shook his head at his mom. Then he worried about his part in the collapse, but Jill insisted he wait for the facts.

At Crimson Lights, Heather talked to Paul about survival. He waxed philosophical about his "new perspective" in life and it was clear he was reveling in his daughter's attention (too bad she didn't know it!). She excused herself when Maggie showed up and Paul revealed he was caught between wanting to tell Heather who he was and fearing "that bomb" would throw her "when she's finally found some happiness." Maggie insisted she'd want to know. Meanwhile, Cane ran into Heather at the GCAC and inspired her to have drinks instead of working out. They weren't together long before his mom called to check on him, which led to them bonding over not knowing a parent. She noted she was his "mirror image," since he only grew up with his uncle and she only knew her mom. She shared her childhood dad fantasy, which had turned bitter when the mystery dad never showed up to save her after her terrible stepdad was killed. She had no desire to meet him anymore. When Cane got home to find him mom waiting up, he admitted he was interested in Heather.

With Lauren on edge, Gloria called for a family night, but then she canceled when Jeff called with his own invite. Michael, Lauren and Kevin were concerned, but she swore, "I'm not going to marry him!" Jeff arrived with flowers for traumatized Lauren and said he'd like to take the whole clan to dinner one day. To Gloria's horror, Kevin offered, "I'm free now." The trio set out, while Michael stayed in with Lauren, who was wound tight and feeling claustrophobic in their room. As she waited for her anti-anxiety meds to kick in, she explained, "I know I'm safe here...but I'm frightened." Supportive Michael let her vent and she finally fell asleep, only to wake from a Clear Springs nightmare in which Paul died. To sooth her worry, Michael called Paul and Paul agreed to come over. When he did, he told her Maggie was having nightmares, too. Then he shared his desire and concerns over telling Heather the truth. He decided to call April, Heather's mom, to ask her advice. Ironically, when he called, she was on the phone listening to Heather rave about how happy she was.

At dinner, Kevin cut to the chase and asked what Jeff's intentions were. Gloria was flustered, but Jeff allowed the questioning. After praising her up and down, he smiled, "I can't leave town. Your mother's cast her spell on me." Then he told a weird story about standing up to a bully who was picking on his friend. When the bully attacked, Jeff had stepped aside, letting him fall off an embankment. Many had blamed Jeff, but Gloria could relate to wanting to "protect your friend." After Jeff left, Kevin blasted Gloria for flirting and falling for Jeff. She laughed and said Jeff's story was a lie. "If Jeffrey Bardwell thinks he's good at playing people, he's got a big surprise coming. I'm better," she bragged. Meanwhile, Jeff was playing back a recording of their dinner conversation.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Phyllis got teary when she talked about missing Summer's first Halloween. Phyllis learned that John had a friend in prison — Donovan Berke.

Fisher the dog greeted Noah on his return home. Jack said that whenever he sees that dog he's reminded he's a suspect in the Ji Min murder case. He warned Sharon not to get any dog hair on her person. "You'll be next on the list," he joked. Jack wondered why the police weren't suspecting Victor. "They have every bit as much evidence against him as they do against me. That hair could've come from his dog." Jack added that he saw Victor go to Ji Min's room. "He probably downed the guy with one punch and left. Not knowing he left him dying," Jack speculated. Jack stated unequivocally: "I didn't kill Ji Min."

Paul told Victor he was able to connect the late Clear Springs foreman Joe Boddington to some illegal activities, including construction theft and substandard materials. Paul ran into Maggie and Heather chatting. Heather had to run back to the office. Paul told Maggie that April suggested Paul not tell Heather he was her father. "Since April raised her, I feel obligated to do what she thinks is best." Paul asked Maggie for some help finding one of Boddington's former associates.

Gloria wanted to accompany Kevin to see Jana. Jana was surprised but pleased to see Gloria with Kevin in the visiting area. "The more visitors the better," she said. Jana asked for details on the Clear Springs disaster. She learned about Victoria's condition and asked how Lauren was doing. Kevin said Lauren was having some trouble sleeping. The talk turned to John's will. Gloria and Kevin doubted that John would have changed the will behind her back. Gloria was convinced that "Jack Abbott forged that will." When Gloria went out for some fresh air, Kevin moaned, "I thought she'd never leave." Jana thought the chaplain might be able to help figure out who wrote John's new will. He could have been with John when he wrote it. What if she asked the chaplain for help? she wondered.

Devon was surprised to learn that Phyllis was in the work release program and would be working with him. Nick asked Devon to watch out for her. Later, Nick ran into Phyllis at work. He said he would bring Summer to the hospital to visit Victoria, Nikki and Victor. "It'll put a smile on my parent's faces," he said. Phyllis promised to focus on her eight hours of normal life on her job. She then placed a call for Todd Scheller but hung up when Devon came in. Phyllis said she heard a rumor that sabotage might have been behind the CS collapse, as well as behind the Newman jet crash. Devon went to get lunch and Phyllis called Todd Scheller again. "He was an inmate with my friend's father," she told the person on the other end of the line. Phyllis got a call back; apparently Todd was out of town.

Neil asked Nick about Victoria and learned that though she was unresponsive, the baby was fine. Neil was sure she'd wake up. Nick thanked Neil for taking charge of Newman while he was focusing on his family. Neil called Victor with a business question. Victor reminded Neil that he wasn't coming "back to my office until further notice...All I'm concerned about is my daughter getting well and finding out who the hell is responsible for this disaster."

Kay asked Cane to stop blaming himself for the collapse. "We need real answers as to who is responsible," she told her grandson. Cane wondered why the workers on the site hadn't come to him with problems. He said the only cracks he saw where those in the parking structure. He added that he'd resign if it was proven there was substandard materials used. Kay said Boddington's actions reflected on her. She dreaded possibly having to tell her dearest friend that she was responsible for her daughter's condition. Paul arrived but didn't have anything new to report. Cane reminded him that they have a meeting at Newman coming up and "we need to tell them something." In a meeting with Neil and David, Cane told them that he's still waiting to hear from NIST in Madison. Kay had nothing to report. Neil wondered why JT was working at CS. Cane explained, "He had a falling out with his boss, so the man needed a job."

Paul told Cane he was researching some of Boddington's previous business deals. Cane added that JT had learned David had met with Boddington before the collapse. Paul didn't have any records of calls between the two but "that does not mean it hasn't happened. But right now, we're going to have to assume that their relationship was a professional one." Cane brought in a man to see his grandmother. "Mrs. Chancellor," he announced, "we know what caused the structure to collapse."

Paul called Heather and wanted to get together. Heather said she'd e-mail him some dates.

Nikki and Victor sat by Victoria's bedside. Nikki brushed her daughter's hair. Nick came in with Summer. Nick claimed Summer was bossy, "like another Newman woman I know," directing the comment to his sister. David called Nikki and promised to keep her updated. Nikki told Nick that Cane reported substandard material had been used. Nick said he'd sue Chancellor Industries if it was proved that they were why Victoria was lying comatose.

Jack ran into Victor at the hospital, where he offered Victor his condolences. He then brought Victor up to speed about Jack being a suspect in Ji Min's death. Jack claimed the dog hair they found could have easily belonged to Victor's dog. "Apparently you were the last person to see him," Jack said accusingly. Victor explained that "when I went up there, knocked on the door, no one answered it. You got it? Probably because you already killed him." Jack denied it. So did Victor. They stopped talking when Maggie approached them. They greeted her and were thankful for how Maggie helped Noah when they were trapped together. Maggie left and the men resumed arguing and accusing each other of murder. Victor ultimately regretted saving Jack's life in the collapse. "If I had to do it all over again, I'd leave you lying in that rubble, choking on the dust," he snapped.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Kay and Cane were relieved to learn from an official with the National Institute of Standards and Technology that the Clear Springs parking structure did not collapse due to construction flaws. "Can you tell us how this happened?" queried Kay. The official said they would have to wait for the final report to come out.

Save for a few homes, Neil and David found out that most of the new buildings at Clear Springs may not be salvageable. Since seismic activity was ruled out, David wondered if sabotage caused the explosion. Neil noted that no evidence of bombing was found.

Victor vowed to Jack that he will "destroy" whoever is responsible for the Clear Springs disaster. The men then watched a news bulletin on TV, where a reporter announced, "The collapse of the garage and casino that killed one construction official and injured several people, was found to be caused by natural gas drillings several miles outside the town of Clear Springs." The reporter revealed that the owner of the drilling team was Victor, who was shocked by the findings. Jack blasted Newman for causing the catastrophe, however Vic argued, "My company followed all safety and regulatory recommendations. It was an accident."

Nick and Sharon worried about Noah's mental state. Sharon explained that their son didn't want to rent movies, eat or talk to friends. Nick declared that Noah will "be fine" but Sharon said she would contact a therapist. Neil called Nick with news that his father's drilling team caused the explosion. Neil also explained that Victor used a subsidiary company for the drilling project, so Newman Enterprises was actually not involved.

Katherine and Cane were stunned to find out that Victor was responsible for the explosion. "Our friends and my crew are in the hospital because he wanted to make his wife pay," seethed Cane.

At the hospital, David gave Nikki an update on the explosion. Nikki became very upset that Victor's drive to ruin her spa project had led to such tragedy. Nikki confronted Victor and charged, "If your company put Victoria in that hospital bed, I will never, ever forgive you. I pray to God for your sake that you had nothing to do with it." Victor was infuriated by the comment and Nikki stormed off. Kay later arrived and comforted an emotional Nikki, while Victor sat at Victoria's beside. "I'd give anything to see you open your eyes," he whispered.

Jack told Sharon that Victor "ought to fry." ... J.T. continued to talk to a comatose Victoria.... Noah only wanted to play the same video game over and over.... Nick assured his father that he knew Victor didn't deliberately cause the explosion.... Kay told Cane that Chancellor Industries will sue Victor.... Victor refused to release a statement. Alone in his office, a tormented Vic slumped in his chair.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

While J.T. sat at Victoria's bedside, Colleen came by for a visit. Brad later showed up and whispered to Victoria, "I hope that baby has your smile." J.T. seemed bothered by Brad's presence and pointed out that the hospital didn't want Victoria to have too many visitors. Colleen got the hint and tried to get her dad to leave with her for some coffee but Brad declined. Colleen reluctantly left the two men alone. Brad brought some of Victoria's favorite rock CDs but J.T. said he's been playing jazz music. "I know you mean well," J.T. replied. "I need to be alone with Victoria right now." Brad claimed he understood and left.

Neil informed Victor that his miners followed "every safety regulation and then some" when drilling but an electrical spark ignited "a huge pocket of displaced methane." Later, Victor called Neil and Karen into his office and announced he wanted to make a public statement. "I will only say this once," Victor insisted. "I'm not going to answer any questions." Karen gathered a few reporters and Victor started with, "The explosion at Clear Springs has affected this state, this community and me personally deeply." He went on to explain that a thorough investigation would be made and that his heart went out to those affected. The reporters tired to ask questions but Victor cut them off and walked away.

Sharon urged Jack not to have a public confrontation with Victor. "I'm not making any promises," Jack grumbled. He later approached Heather and Maggie to reveal his suspicions that Victor killed Ji Min. When Maggie reminded that they needed evidence, Jack suggested they test the hair of Victor's dog to see if it matches the strands found on Ji Min's body. "No judge would issue the warrant," declared Heather, which miffed Jack. He then stealthily obtained a sample of Zapato's hair (during a testy encounter with Victor). Jack presented the fur to Maggie, who said it was inadmissible because it was collected by a civilian. Jack pushed the lady cop to test it anyway but she threw it in the garbage.

Neil told Lily what caused the Clear Springs collapse and she was relieved that Cane wasn't responsible. Neil seemed bothered by her concern and Lily assured, "We're just friends." Lily later ran into the Aussie hunk at Crimson Lights and said she was happy that Chancellor Industries wasn't to blame for the disaster. Before Lily departed, she kissed Cane on his cheek and he seemed visibly touched by the gesture.

Colleen hoped Brad would be the father of Victoria's baby.... Noah told Sharon that he had a nightmare but didn't want to talk about it.... Brad blasted Victor for causing the Clear Springs explosion and injuring Victoria.... Everyone was buzzing about Enrique Iglesias's appearance at Indigo for that night; Lily wanted to invite Cane but Heather beat her to it.... Victor lamented to Victoria that he felt "an enormous sense of guilt and remorse" for his actions.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Neil assured Karen that when they attend the Enrique Igelsias concert at his club, Lily and Devon would behave better towards her.

Paul was concerned when Maggie's abdomen area was sore (where she was shot by Sheila). Maggie opined that it's probably from all the crawling around she did inside the collapsed parking structure. Paul wanted to take her to the ER, but Maggie refused to miss the concert.

Lauren wanted to stay home instead of going to the concert but Michael thought it would be better for her to get out. "I just don't wanna see you lock yourself away," he fretted. It took some more cajoling and Lauren finally gave in.

Lily and Colleen showed up at Indigo and Lily was depressed to see Cane and Heather. Devon arrived with Roxanne. When Lily confirmed she was going to run for student government, Karen offered to help her campaign.

Amber and Daniel had trouble luring Kevin away to the concert. Kev said he had a business to run (Crimson Lights), besides his mind was on Jana anyway. Amber and Daniel finally convinced him to come. The pals showed up at Indigo and Daniel was enthralled with Heather. He reminded himself, however, that he hates her (for putting his mom in prison). Kevin confronted Heather and pointed out that Jana should be freed because she was sick and didn't know what she was doing. Ms. Stevens suggested that Kevin hire a good lawyer to prove his case.

Neil was upset to see Daniel at the club and wanted to throw him out. Lily assured her dad that it was okay. "Daniel doesn't bother me anymore," she declared. Lily then pretended she needed to talk to Roxanne about studies. When the ladies were alone, she asked if Roxanne genuinely liked Devon. "I've dated a lot of losers, and I could actually see myself staying with him for more than a week," answered Rox. Cane later stopped by to say hi to Lily and she tried to maintain a calm exterior. Neil observed that his daughter was upset and asked if it was over Cane. Lily once again insisted that she and the Aussie are just friends but Neil didn't buy it. He also advised that Cane "is way, way too old for you."

Paul and Maggie were glad to see Michael and Lauren at Indigo. While Lauren was on her cell to Gloria, Paul mentioned to Michael that Victor's drilling caused the explosion. Baldwin became upset but was determined to keep the news from his wife, at least for tonight. Michael angrily confronted Neil who said, "This isn't the place."

Paul confirmed his lunch with Heather for the next day and Maggie asked if he was going to confess that he's her father. "I think it's time she finally knew the truth," Paul affirmed. Meanwhile, Cane asked Heather how she knows Paul, and she explained that he is an old friend of her mother's. While trying to make a cell phone call, Heather eavesdropped on Paul, Lauren and Michael discussing Sheila. "What's a little kidnapping for the better good, right?" Paul said to his co-conspirators. "If I had to do it all over again, I would make sure that Sheila Carter never escaped." Heather returned to Cane in utter shock but didn't reveal what she overheard.

Everyone cuddled and/or exchanged looks as Enrique Iglesias performed.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

After the Enrique Iglesias concert, Neil told Karen that his employee who usually closes up the club went home sick so he would have to stay late. Karen offered to keep him company. Lily asked her dad if he wanted to get something to eat after closing but immediately changed her mind when he mentioned that Karen was helping him too. Rude, Lily, rude.

Heather tried to enjoy the rest of the evening with Cane but was distracted by what she previously heard (Paul, Lauren and Michael talking about imprisoning Sheila). Cane observed her moodiness and Heather asked hypothetically what she should do if a very good friend committed a bad crime. Cane surmised that as assistant district attorney, she had a responsibility to do the right thing. Cane then drove his date home. Heather asked if he wanted to come up for coffee. Cane declined, citing crazy hours with the Clear Springs cleanup and they shared a quick smooch (uh, Heather, pick up a copy of He's Just Not That Into You... pronto).

Lauren and Michael asked Paul and Maggie back to their place for coffee (if this had been during the Swinging '70s, that invitation would have been suspicious). The quartet headed to the Baldwin home, where Lauren again started exhibiting nervousness. "I'm a total mess these days," she lamented "I'm freezing all the time ... I can't sleep." Co-Clear Springs survivor Maggie agreed that she was experiencing the same things and Paul insisted that they would all eventually "be normal" again. Everyone discussed sleep-inducing tips like counting sheep, watching infomercials, chamomile tea, hot baths, warm milk and watching Noah play video games (okay, that last one wasn't in there). Suddenly, Lauren had another panic attack. Michael gave his wife her anti-anxiety meds and she calmed down. Paul and Maggie revealed that an explosion caused the collapse and Lauren became upset to learn that Victor's drilling company was the cause. Michael vowed Newman would pay (take a number, Mike).

Victor continued to be haunted by his role in the Clear Springs disaster.... Beautiful, smart, classy, rich, girl-with-a-thousand-friends Lily was feeling lonely and sought companionship and comfort from Colleen and Adrian.... Neil and Karen made love (guess it was a good thing that his daughter didn't stick around after all).... Heather called her secretary and said, "When you get in tomorrow morning, pull all the files we have on Sheila Carter." Let's hope she was leaving a voicemail and not calling the poor girl at that late of an hour.... Cane called Lily with an answer to a music question that was bugging her earlier (and, lookie there, her spirits suddenly picked up)....

J.T. and Nikki maintained their vigil at Victoria's bedside. They became alarmed when one of her monitors started beeping. "The machines registered an elevated blood pressure reading," explained a nurse, who determined that there was a malfunction and deemed the patient's stats as normal. Colleen and Adrian showed up for a visit and after a few minutes, J.T. walked them out. As Nikki sat with Victoria, Victor arrived to see how their daughter was doing. J.T. noticed that Victoria's hands were swollen and called for a doctor. Dr. Ryan confirmed that her blood pressure was up and ordered immediate tests. Once the physician left, Victor declared, "I am going to call every specialist in the world if it takes that to get Victoria better

Friday, November 09, 2007

At prison, Jana again surmised that Jack convinced his dad to disinherit Gloria. "That was never proven," Phyllis pointed out. She then left for her work-release; Jana made an appointment with the chaplain who was counseling John. During her time with Rev. Anderson, Jana learned that John had a confidante in prison by the name of Todd. Jana passed the name to Kevin, who tipped off Gloria.

Nick showed up at the hospital to find out from his parents and J.T. that there was concern about Victoria's spiking blood pressure. Dr. Ryan said he wanted to make sure "there's no swelling or bleeding" causing the elevation. Victor remembered a line from a poem ("Stars that shine in heaven so bright keep my children safe tonight) that he used to recite while tucking his kids in. J.T. noted that he heard Victoria say that poem every night. Nick wondered if Brad should be notified about Victoria's precarious situation but Nikki wanted to wait for test results to come back. Another doctor told the Newman family and J.T. that Victoria's tests came back normal so there was more investigating to do.

A nervous Paul confirmed with Maggie that he planned to tell Heather that she's his daughter — today (yeah, Paul, you're only 20-something years overdue). Maggie jokingly suggested that he send a singing telegram to do the job (hey, is Enrique Iglesias still in town?).

Under the guise of tying up loose ends with William's files, Heather showed up at Lauren's place and questioned Mrs. Baldwin about shooting Sheila. "You were a hero," Heather declared and started asking about the cage Sheila had built in the warehouse. Before Heather could get very far, Michael came in and stopped the questioning. "That is not a topic my wife is comfortable talking about," he growled and escorted Heather to the door. Michael was suspicious of Heather's motives, then told Lauren that he was working on Phyllis's appeal. Next, nosy Heather asked Maggie about Sheila and the lady copy recalled how she was shot by the psycho (with flashbacks playing, of course).

At Newman Enterprises, Phyllis advised Jack not to "kick Victor when he's down." Jack said he won't, but added that Victor deserves whatever fate befalls him (Karma, meet Jack). Phyllis asked Jack if he had anything to do with Gloria getting getting cut out of John's will. "My father wrote that will," Jack insisted, "I guess he finally saw things my way." Heather arrived to continued her quest with Phyllis, who recounted her own horrifying ordeal (more flashbacks). After Heather left, Jack told Phyllis that a man named Todd called for her, but Phyllis said she didn't need the message after all. Phyllis was surprised when Lauren showed up at Newman Enterprises. Turned out she was volunteering with the Clear Springs relief effort. Michael later arrived and told Phyllis that "your appeal is going to be reconsidered by the appellate court." Color Phyllis thrilled.

Kevin told Gloria that someone else had contacted good ol' Todd. "Apparently, he's pretty popular lately," Kev noted.

Paul met with Heather and explained how he got a girl pregnant when he was young and "we both decided that the best thing for the child would be if she was raised without me." It was hard to tell if Heather was catching on or not, but Paul finally announced, "Heather... you're my daughter." Close-up on Heather's stunned expression.

Monday, November 12, 2007

At the hospital, Dr. Webb told the Newman clan Victoria's condition was "stable as of now," but could make no promises about the future. While Victor had a word with him, Brad came in and was angry to learn he was out of the loop on Victoria's blood pressure problems. Victor wanted to find another doctor, but an emotional Nikki didn't want Victoria "poked and prodded and tested any more than she has to be." She then brought Brad to see Victoria, interrupting Nick's visit, and later JT apologized for not updating Brad during the "roller-coaster" night Victoria had. Then the doc revealed he was concerned Victoria had preeclampsia, "a pregnancy-related circulation problem," and that if the condition progressed, the baby would have to be delivered. Therefore, they were checking out the baby for early delivery. As they tried to swallow the news that the baby might not survive, Nikki turned to Victor's shoulder for comfort.

Heather and Paul cried as she fought to come to terms with his reveal that he is her daddy. "You didn't care what happened to me," she marveled, and refused to hear otherwise. He wanted to "make it up" to her, but she assumed he was only confessing because he knew she knew about his involvement with Sheila Carter. "I will find evidence to make sure you are charged with kidnapping and false imprisonment," she promised, but a surprised Paul warned any investigation would only hurt Lauren. She countered it was her duty to report him. Concerned, he called a meeting with Lauren, Michael and Maggie. Michael was furious to hear Paul's connection to Heather, not to mention annoyed that the Sheila kidnapping was coming back to bite them. Maggie said not to jump to the worst case scenario, noting Heather must not have hard evidence. Lauren started to panic, but Michael promised he'd stop Heather if she came at them. "Admit nothing," Michael advised. Lauren was still concerned, especially when Paul exited saying, "I will handle this in my own way."

At Newman, Phyllis, Michael and Lauren were overjoyed at news that Phyllis' appeal was being reconsidered. Daniel was thrilled too and after promising he wasn't ditching his community service for the day, he let Phyllis snag his cell phone. She went into the elevator, where Sharon watched her call Nick with her good news. Meanwhile, already in a funk, Heather blasted Daniel for missing his community service. He said he'd cleared it with his parole officer and reminded her what was on his plate with Phyllis in jail, Nick at the hospital and Jack recovering from the Clear Springs disaster. Unmoved, she was ready to suggest a violation hearing. They were interrupted when Phyllis called because a sick Summer needed to be checked on in daycare. Daniel picked her up and brought her by Phyllis' office to talk baby biz, cutting it short so his mom didn't get caught with her kids. Unfortunately, Daniel opened the door to fuming Heather, who stormed, "This is a flagrant violation of your work release program." Phyllis explained Summer was sick and again reminded Heather of the family's tough times, but it was Daniel who stopped her by gasping, "Where is your heart?" Heather piped down and walked away. When he went to thank her and apologize for being harsh, he found her crying in the break room. The empathetic guy quickly got her laughing and even cleaned a smudge off her face, but after he left she called for a random inspection of Phyllis. Daniel overheard and gave his mom the heads up, while Heather again faced again her dad at Crimson Lights. Paul told her what happened with Sheila and why, leaving everyone else out of the story, and admitted he'd done wrong. Then he asked, "You want to charge me with a crime for what I did to Sheila? Or for what I did to you?"

Karen and Neil mixed business with pleasure at work, but Neil turned moody when she mentioned her favorite movie. He coldly excused himself and after a meeting, she asked for an explanation. No surprise, it turned out her movie was Dru's fave too. She wanted to talk things out, but he used Sharon as an excuse to cancel their plans. When Sharon and Karen discussed Clear Springs, deciding to await news on the insurance before moving forward, Neil came in and "got busted." Later, at Crimson, Sharon called him on using her as an out with Karen. "I can't move on," he said about Dru, but after Sharon reminded him Dru would want him happy, he went to pick up Karen for dinner.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

At the hospital, JT watched over Victoria and joked with her about naming the baby after their specialist, Dr. Webb. Then he was called out by the doc, who was preparing to use the new "state of the art" ultrasound machine (donated to the hospital by Victor) to determine the viability of the baby. He confirmed that while he was committed to protecting the baby, he was prepared to deliver it if necessary to save Victoria. Nikki was in calm shock as she updated David, torn between her anger at Victor's fault in Victoria's injury and her appreciation for his efforts to save their daughter. After Victor actually thanked David for his support, Nikki noted that the animosity between her and her soon-to-be-ex had fizzled in the face of Victoria's peril.

Meanwhile, at Newman, Phyllis stole a moment with Nick, but it wasn't fun and games as he filled her in on the dangers of Victoria's condition. Nearby, with Abby in town, Brad found comfort in both his daughters and then had to explain Victoria's medical situation to his youngest. He was impressed when Abby insisted on visiting her ex-stepmom, but when he ran into Nick, he asked the Grade-A dad his opinion on the idea. Before Nick could answer, Phyllis walked in, enjoying Brad's shock at seeing her out of prison. Brad left the couple in a huff and Nick followed shortly after. When he showed up at the hospital with paperwork for his dad, the crew was awaiting Dr. Webb's report on the ultrasound. Nick tried to get everyone to take a break for lunch, but JT refused to leave, so he was there when empathetic Kevin showed up with a box of Crimson Lights treats for the Clear Springs survivors who were still relegated to eating hospital food. JT revealed he'd been trying to make deals with God for the safety of Victoria and the baby, but feared, "I don't think we speak the same language." When Nick, Victor and Nikki returned from lunch, Brad, Colleen and Abby had joined the waiting party. Dr. Webb came out of Victoria's room shortly thereafter, but wanted to consult with another doc before giving his report. Abby visited with Victoria, giving her a pep talk, and then Phyllis listened via phone as the doc told the Newmans "the baby's heart and lungs are not developed sufficiently" to survive birth. Not good news, but all hoped Victoria would remain stable long enough for him to develop more fully.

When Jeff called to confirm his breakfast date with Gloria, Kevin warned her to stay away. She of course didn't listen and talk at breakfast was split between the new property Jeff was buying and his desire to honor William's commitment to the truth. "Anybody ever lied to him, he never let him get away with it," Jeff recalled. When he left the table to take a call, Gloria checked his pockets and found a tape recorder. She managed to slip it back into his jacket without his realizing and after Jeff announced he'd made the purchase on that property, she returned home to talk it out with Kevin. She decided to test the cream Jeff had given her to see if it was in fact tainted and applied it to her wrist, even as Kevin vehemently protested. Kevin was ready to go into panic mode, but no surprise, the cream was not tainted, further proving Jeff was toying with Gloria. "I'm going to get that cream from him, no matter what I have to do," she swore.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

At the GCAC, Gloria reprimanded Kevin for having his computer at the table and then said she needed his help. He was instantly concerned and rightly so. She wanted him to distract Jeff while she searched his room for the tainted face cream. Unfortunately, she left before Kevin made contact and Jeff didn't stick around to talk to him. Kev called just as she opened the door and she accidentally dropped the key inside, locking herself out. When she bumped into Jeff in the hall he was in a hurry to make a business call, so she didn't have to come up with an excuse for being there. Kevin didn't want to hear her next plan, especially as it involved a "semi-seduction." He refused to play along, but she eventually got him to agree to come back to interrupt her in three hours. She was at home getting gussied up when Jeff called and Lauren, who answered, was instantly suspicious. "In the category of dumb ideas, that's the dumbest," she said of Gloria's plan, slamming her for having "compromised my family with your 'cute' little behavior." Already keyed up over Paul's confession to Heather (about the Sheila kidnapping incident), Lauren left Michael a furious message about Gloria. He got the story while picking up a to-go order from Crimson Lights and after rolling his eyes, told Kevin he didn't have time to stop their mother. Instead, he approached ADA Heather, informing her Paul's big confession was hearsay and that she'd have to recuse herself due to her "special relationship with Paul," to which she fumed, "I have no relationship with Paul, so why don't you do me a favor and go to hell?" He was up in arms when he got home, so he didn't handle Phyllis' call for a pep talk well. He made no promises about the outcome of her appeal hearing the next day, except that he'd do his "best."

On the coffeehouse patio, Daniel insisted Heather was human and revealed he caught her crying, but Amber teased him for falling for "the old 'break down and cry and fall in the guy's arms' routine," which she IDed as "a calculated gesture to get something out of you." When they spotted Heather, he insisted he didn't "like" her, but wanted to talk to her about Phyllis. Before he could, Lauren pushed by him and asked the ADA for a minute. On the verge of a panic attack, she was shaky as she talked about living in fear of Sheila. She insisted Paul was "a good man" who'd saved her life, suggesting Heather forgive him for her own sake. "That anger that you're holding inside of you — it's going to eat you up alive," she warned. After Lauren left, Daniel made his move and started to make Phyllis' case, but Heather was distracted by the reveal that he'd only known his mom for four years. She couldn't believe he was sticking up for a woman who didn't raise him and scoffed, "You're either incredibly needy or incredibly gullible." Then Heather went to meet Paul at the GCAC, where he was having drinks with Maggie. Maggie was hopeful it was a good thing, cheering, "The better she gets to know you, the sooner she's going to come around." That didn't sound likely when Heather showed up and blasted him for telling people — especially an opposing lawyer — that he was her dad. No matter how harsh she was, he kept offering apologies and his hope that one day she'd let him be a "better person" than the "idiot and jerk" who abandoned her. She didn't buy his apology, but also didn't have the evidence to prosecute him over Sheila. As she left, she sent a message to Michael that, "I plan to do to Phyllis what I was unable to do to you, which is to keep one child-abandoning jerk in prison." Michael was already being warned by Lauren, who noted his legal opposition was "very angry" and "scary focused."

Back at the GCAC, Gloria and Jeff flirted and joked their way from the bar to his room, where they started making out. She interrupted when she "realized" she was missing her watch. Instead of going to get it for her, he called downstairs to ask the bartender to look for it. Then he got a call, so she called Kevin, saying, "That man is an animal. Kevin, get over here right now!" She got Jeff to clean the wine glasses and did a quick search of the room, finding a note from William that said, "If anything happens to me, don't let her get away with it." When Jeff returned, she jumped out of arm's reach and admitted she was nervous. Then she drank half a bottle of wine, stalling until Kevin showed up with a faux Jabot emergency.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Nick hit the office for an illegal makeout session and some catch up with Phyllis. He was concerned to hear Daniel was planning on calling from her appeal hearing so she could listen in. "Why risk it?" he asked. Meanwhile, Michael was nervously psyching up for the hearing. He insisted they had a good case, but was confident Heather would do her best to stop him, especially as an overturned verdict "wouldn't look good on her resume." When Heather arrived, neither Lauren nor Jack could stop Daniel from approaching her. She gave him 30 seconds and he begged her to have perspective on his mother's crime. Then he called his mom and against Nick's advice, she answered the phone as the trial began. Michael and the judge discussed the damning tape that got Phyllis convicted and the juror who'd changed her mind at the last minute. During the 15-minute recess, eavesdropping Phyllis was sure they'd lost, while Daniel, Lauren and Jack muttered over the judge's bad mood, but were impressed with Michael. As Heather kicked into her rebuttal, a guard interrupted, indicating Daniel's phone to the judge. Phyllis hung up and Daniel said there was no one on the line, but the judge angrily ordered he be escorted out of the room. He apologized profusely to his mom, but she insisted it wouldn't affect her chances. When Michael came out, he said, "Heather was a bit more subdued in her rebuttal than I expected," and reported to Phyllis that "it went well." Daniel still felt bad and it didn't help when Heather swung her head at him in disgust on her way out.

Colleen had high hopes for Victoria when JT stopped by the coffeehouse, but he was just following Nikki's order to take a break from the hospital. Like everyone, he was concerned Victoria's baby might have to be delivered at only 22 weeks, but he also realized that gestation time meant he could be the baby's father. He admitted he'd assumed Brad was the dad and then reminisced about Victoria's early pregnancy. While the docs were changing Victoria's meds again, he revealed he was losing hope and it was clear he wasn't alone. At the hospital, Victor insisted Nikki stay strong, but she stormed out. She was more pulled together when he found her in Victoria's room, where she was talking to the baby and told Victoria too "keep it steady" for a few weeks to give the baby some time. Sharon arrived to find a morose Brad, who was becoming less positive with every fact he found online. "This is where faith comes in," Sharon soothed, and insisted if he wasn't going to leave the hospital, she'd stay with him. Over a piece of chocolate cake, he talked of all the loss he'd faced in his life, but appreciated her positivity. "What would I do without you?" he asked. When JT and Colleen returned, the nurse was telling the Newmans that Victoria's blood pressure was stable, but Colleen recognized it was still high. JT and Colleen sent Nikki for a break. Colleen followed Nikki and tried to get her to eat. Instead, they talked of school, how everyone prayed over Colleen when she was in a coma and the frustration of the waiting game they were playing. It was their impotence that killed Victor, who called an expert in fetal survival for info, but was running out of specialists and high tech equipment to buy. Brad finally left the hospital after he found JT telling Victoria he was still set on their kid being a football player, so he wasn't there when the doctor announced, "The baby has to be delivered or Victoria could die...The probability that the baby will survive this is very slim." Nikki again leaned on Victor as they faced a terrible decision.

Friday, November 16, 2007

At Newman, David, Neil and Karen realized it was almost Thanksgiving. They were saddened to think about what that meant for the Newmans, but after David left, Karen admitted it was one of her favorite holidays. When she said she wasn't going home, Neil noted this was his family's first without Dru. Then his kids showed up with a hot dinner. He suggested they do Thanksgiving at Gina's, but they wanted to be home. It was agreed and then David interrupted, fuming over a notice he'd received that Nikki's loan was due. He threatened to go to Victor, but Neil reminded him the process had been started before the crisis at Clear Springs and said he'd figure it out during business hours. David wanted an answer that evening and showed Neil a press release that would go out that night unless the loan demand was rescinded. Neil realized it was time to update Victor, but told David he'd put the loan on hold "indefinitely." Meanwhile, back at dinner with the kids, Lily suggested they invite Sharon to Thanksgiving, which was well received, so Neil countered by asking about inviting Karen. Lily was clearly upset when she agreed, but Neil missed that and immediately invited his new beau. Karen was excited and when she ran into Lily, she gushed about the food she wanted to bring. Lily killed her buzz by saying she was planning to use all her mother's recipes and later grumbled to Devon about their Thanksgiving "potluck with strangers." Karen was hurt to overhear her, especially when Lily carped, "It's like she's trying too hard. It just gets on my nerves." Karen decided to go home for the holiday instead, but learned her mom was going away. With no backup plans, she used her mom as an excuse to cancel on Neil anyway.

JT and the Newman clan were shell-shocked over Dr. Webb's desire to do a C-section to save Victoria even though it threatened the baby's survival. Nick said they had to take every chance to save the baby and JT agreed, but the doc returned to say Victoria was getting worse and insisted on a decision. When David arrived, he was not pleased to find Victor comforting Nikki. "This is not the appropriate time for business," Victor snarked at him, but even Nick understood someone had to handle Nikki's business. As thrilled as Nikki was to have David looking out for her and needed his support, she told him she didn't want to "push our luck right now. Cause any friction." He understood and left after giving her some aromatherapy products. Having seen it all, Nick pried a bit. "We will always be in each other's lives, but not as husband and wife," Nikki said of Victor. "I can't have him dominate me anymore." She was tired of always being the loser in Victor's win-lose world. Meanwhile, Victor was impressing JT with his knowledge of Twain quotations when Victoria's monitor alarm went off. The doctor feared a stroke and scheduled the C-section. Victoria was being prepped for surgery when Nikki returned and shocked everyone by announcing, "We have to wait until the baby gets stronger. Even if Victoria dies." Victor and Nick disagreed, but Nikki stood by her decision, confident Victoria would agree with her.

Kevin found his mom making a list of plots to get rid of Jeff, which included getting him a job in Hong Kong or framing him for a crime. They brainstormed about what Jeff was up to and Gloria was sure it was about the money. Then she had an epiphany, telling Kevin, "I'm going to make Jeffrey Bardwell fall in love with me." As Kevin insisted her plot was insane and making Jeff angry could land her in jail, she researched Jeff online and found he was a "member of the international corsair society" and had a Master's in Asian Studies. She pulled out a museum reproduction of a "netsuke," which she wore as a necklace, and set out to visit Jeff. He had a bottle of champagne waiting for her. She proudly told him about her necklace and he laughed before admitting to his Master's. After more chit chat, she admitted, "I'm having a real problem with the fact that I'm very attracted to you." He felt the same way, but after more cat and mouse and a kiss, she left. Then she came back. They kissed and he asked her to stay the night, but she said she'd returned for her compact and left again. She was on cloud nine when she got home to Kevin, while Jeff finally tried the cream on his hand and found that it burned.


Monday, November 19, 2007

At the hospital, Victoria's condition became worse as her blood pressure fluctuated. Nikki and Victor argued over whether to save their daughter or her unborn child; Nikki believed that Victoria would want the baby to stay inside of her for as long as possible. The doctor then told them that they needed to do an emergency c-section. Nikki broke down as Victor berated her for refusing to let them do surgery. "There's no choice!" he yelled. Nicholas tried to stay positive, but Nikki didn't think the baby would have a chance if he was delivered early. Nick sympathized with Nikki having to make such a difficult decision, but Victor feared that Victoria would die.

Colleen and Adrian went to the hospital to check on Victoria. J.T. filled them in on the dire situation. Colleen called Brad. Adrian went to the hospital chapel. Soon, Brad arrived and barged into Victoria's room. "Time to get your lazy behind out of bed and back to work," he told her. "We all need you." He then asked to speak with Victor outside in the hallway and demanded to know what was going on. After Victor told him, Brad sided with Nikki and thought they should wait to deliver the baby. "What would you do if that were Colleen in there?" Victor argued. Brad had no answer for him. After, Brad told Colleen that he truly believed that Victoria would want the baby to live.... J.T. told Nick that he wants Victoria to live, and they could always have another baby or adopt.... Brad found Nikki and insisted that he loves Victoria. He let her know that he agreed with her. Nikki was grateful for his support.

At the prison, Phyllis and Jana worked on a project for Summer. However, Phyllis couldn't concentrate as she fretted over whether she'd be granted her appeal for early release.

Nick sat with an unconscious Victoria and begged her to wake up. However, his pleas didn't work and she remained in a coma. After, Nick discussed the situation with his father. Victor became angry when Nick hesitated about saving Victoria's life over the baby's. Later, Nikki sat with her daughter and sang her a lullaby. She began to sob as she urged Victoria to snap out of it. After, Nikki asked Adrian what he and Victoria talked about while they were trapped. He replied that Victoria was eager to be a mother. J.T. begged him to tell Nikki how Victoria was also desperate to get out alive. Adrian didn't want to be caught in the middle and wished them the best in making the right decision.

Nikki and Victor cornered Nick and asked him what his feelings are. Nick wasn't sure what he wanted them to do. Victor continued to plead with Nikki to let the doctors deliver the baby.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Lauren asked Michael to keep Gloria out of the kitchen for Thanksgiving but he revealed that Kevin already saved the day. "He's already recruited her to help set up at Crimson Lights for the second annual free Thanksgiving dinner," announced Michael (as if the homeless already don't have enough problems).

On the phone, Phyllis told Nick she was bummed that she was going to miss Summer's first Thanksgiving. After they hung up, Phyllis was shocked when the warden showed up to announce that she was being released because her conviction had been overturned.

After getting the news about Phyllis, Michael and Lauren called Nick, who was thrilled, then upset that he couldn't be the one to pick his wife up from prison. "Vick's getting worse and my parents can't agree on how to treat her," he lamented. Lauren assured that she and Michael would deliver Phyllis.

At Crimson Lights, Lily overheard Kevin tell Amber that Katherine and Jill left town to spend Thanksgiving with Kay's son Brock. Since Cane had to stay behind because of the Clear Springs mess, Amber surmised that her ex would be alone and told Kevin to find out. He then asked Cane if he could volunteer with the charity dinner. "I'm sorry, mate," said Cane. "I'm gonna be shackled to my desk. No phone calls, no interruptions." Much to Kevin and Daniel's chagrin, a determined Amber ordered takeout so she could bring it over to Jabot for Cane. Phyllis called Daniel to let him know she was getting out.

Neil expressed his disappointment that Karen can't spend Thanksgiving with him (she lied that she had plans to be with her mom). Later, Neil told his kids that Karen wouldn't be joining them and Lily didn't seem too disappointed (someone needs to spank that girl with a drumstick). Later, as Karen listened on, Cane accepted Lily's invitation to join her family for Thanksgiving dinner. After Cane left, Karen confessed to Lily that "the reason that I'm not coming to Thanksgiving dinner at your house is that I overheard you tell Devon that you didn't want me there." An embarrassed Lily apologized and urged Karen to come but she declined. Lily then admitted the blunder to Devon, who reminded her that Karen makes their dad happy.

J.T. and Brad continued to be concerned when Victoria's blood pressure wouldn't come down. The guys then argued about what's best for her. "We have to wait until the last possible second to give that baby every chance to make it," noted Brad.

Nikki and Victor met Tamara, the mediator assigned to Victoria's case. "This is a damn waste of time," grumbled Vic. "My daughter ought to be in the operating room right now. She ought to have a c-section to save her life." Nikki disagreed and soon was arguing with her husband. Tamara had to call a break so both sides could cool off. With that, the Newmans were unsure how a mediator was going to help as they continued to defend their perspectives. Tamara returned and advised them to "take counsel with your spiritual advisors." Talk about passing the buck.

Amber was devastated when Cane said he was going to Lily's house for Thanksgiving.... Lauren, Michael and Daniel showed up at prison to retrieve Phyllis.... Lily convinced Karen to come.... A depressed Jana called Kevin and he promised to visit her on Thanksgiving.... Neil wasn't happy to hear Cane was coming over for the holiday.... As a surprised J.T. and Brad looked on, Phyllis arrived at the hospital and was reunited with Nick.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Lily was upset that the cookies she made from her mother's recipe tasted awful. Devon tried to assure her that Thanksgiving was about fellowship with loved ones and not the food. Still, Lily whined, "You guys just have Thanksgiving without me!" and ran out of the room. Yeah, that's the spirit Lily. Devon then called Neil with the news (hope someone has Pizza Hut on speed dial) and suggested that Lily is more upset about Dru being gone.

A bare-chested Michael was confused when he observed that the kitchen was tidy, there wasn't the scent of turkey cooking and that his wife didn't look "crazed from self-inflicted responsibility for the perfect meal." (The only thing more annoying than a male chauvinist is an an articulate male chauvinist.) Lauren admitted that in her quest for a "stress free" Thanksgiving, she ordered a takeout feast with all the trimmings from the G.C.A.C. The articulate male chauvinist hailed that as a good plan. After picking up the dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin put Operation Pull One Over On The Guests by filling their own serving dishes with the restaurant fare. Kevin showed up and announced he wouldn't be staying as he was headed to visit Jana in prison (good times, Kev, good times). Michael and Lauren were further surprised when Kevin said he was going to propose to Jana.

Amber passed up dinner invitations from Kevin and Daniel so she could be upset that Cane was spending Thanksgiving with Lily. Cane showed up at Crimson Lights to help out with the charity dinner and Amber's mood brightened. Lily then called Cane and un-invited him because she was sick (oooh, girl, Mama's gonna come down from heaven and smack you for lying). Amber carpe diemed by asking Cane to have dinner with her at Crimson Lights (you know, after the homeless returned to the cold streets) and he agreed.

At the hospital, Phyllis got snide with Brad, J.T. got snarky with Brad, Nikki got snippy with Phyllis, who threw it back to her mommy-in-law, Nikki and Victor were barely civil to each other and little Summer hiccuped (gee, can't wait for Christmas). But everyone silently gathered in Victoria's hospital room and pretended to get along.

Neil and Karen tracked down Lily, who was still down on Thanksgiving. Karen gave her a pep talk about starting new traditions and Lily was back on board with turkey day. She called Cane and re-invited him and he accepted (Amber, on the other hand, was crushed). Neil came home with a gourmet dinner, courtesy of G.C.A.C. (does nobody cook in this town?), followed by Sharon, Jack, Noah and Cane. Everyone sat down at the table and took turns giving thanks.

Gloria and Jeffrey arrived at Michael's place where she wasn't thrilled to hear that Kevin was spending the day with his psycho girlfriend. Meanwhile, Kevin popped the question to a stunned Jana. "I can't," she lamented. Kevin told her he didn't want an answer yet.

As a depressed Amber was sitting down to a dinner for one, Daniel showed up at Crimson Lights to join her. "You really are my best friend ever," she sniffled.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Phyllis was thrilled to be out of prison, but her attempts at "levity" didn't help Nick feel any better about his family's dilemma. While they visited with still-comatose Victoria, Victor and JT were anxious to move forward with her C-section. Michael explained they had to wait for Victoria's court-appointed guardian to arrive and then eventually make a recommendation in court. When Ms. Morton arrived, Victor outlined the conflict and warned, "If she dies because the hospital delays, I will bury you with lawsuits." She understood the time pressure, but was sure to remind him, "We're doing what we can to resolve this situation, because your family is unable to do so.” Michael grabbed the phone away when Victor called the judge directly. Unapologetic, Victor wouldn't listen to his lawyer’s lecture about angering the judge, snorting, "I don't give a damn about protocol!" In the commissary, Nikki, Brad and David were also arguing protocol. Nikki admitted the legal delays worked in their favor. "Every hour that they delay is more time for that baby to have a chance to survive," she explained, and then she and Brad realized it might be best if Nikki made herself "difficult to find" until the end of the day. David was vehemently apposed, afraid it would anger the judge or hospital attorneys. In the hallway, Nick ran into JT and they two soon resorted to arguing their sides, but Nick later admitted to Phyllis he selfishly wanted his sister to live. Phyllis reminded him of Summer's dangerous birth and the promise she’d extracted from Jack to save their daughter at any cost. "It sounds to me like you know Victoria feels that way," she said, but he countered that he would never have let his wife die. "Maybe bringing in a stranger to decide what happens with Victoria is best for everyone," he considered, but time was running out. Webb reported Victoria's condition was worsening and, "delivery is essential to her survival." The court summonses showed up. When Nick and JT couldn't find Nikki, David played helpfully dumb, offering suggestions of places to look. Sure she was hiding, Victor tracked her down to the office and went on the attack. She refused to raise her voice at him and when he told her there was a court date, she shrugged, "I haven't been informed." Michael almost got communication flowing, but then Nikki mentioned Brad. That set off Victor, but he was truly horrified when Brad entered and revealed, "I'm petitioning the court to be appointed as guardian for the fetus."

Meanwhile, Sharon tried to make light of more bad press about Jack, but it wasn't easy to laugh at the new story, which said the senator was involved with (1) corporate fraud, (2) the Clear Springs building collapse and now (3) was a suspect in Ji Min's homicide. To make matters worse, the article included contact info for the ethics committee. Gloria was quick to take advantage. She sent anonymous e-mails demanding action against the senator. Her excited task was barely slowed by Molly, who interrupted with news that the shopping carts on the International Jabot site weren't working right. When Molly returned with a language problem on the Canadian site and a message from R&D, Gloria finished off her e-mail barrage so she and Kevin could get to Jabot issues. When Kevin warned the e-mails could be backtracked to her, she wasn't overly worried, but noted, "I do understand why you like using a stolen laptop." Molly again interrupted without knocking and again overheard incriminating convo, but Gloria quickly covered. After Molly left, they reviewed numbers from Ji Min's last project (incense based on Jabot fragrances). "It beat projected sales figures by 20%," Gloria marveled. She was sorry the savvy businessman "got hooked up with Jack." Of course, it was his presumed guilt that was getting Jack’s gourd. When he got off the phone with the newspaper, he told Sharon, "They'd be delighted to write my side of things if it comes to them as a paid advertisement, the bastards." Sharon wanted to work on a statement instead of getting mad, but then Jack received copies of Gloria's anonymous e-mails. Sharon continued efforts to calm his ego, reminding him, "We do not descend to the level of those who, as you so eloquently put, write garbage." He grumbled over not being cleared for Ji Min's murder fast enough, so Sharon warned he should be careful about pointing his finger at mourning Victor. When they moved to the GCAC dining room, she was still insisting Victor couldn't be guilty, but Jack countered, "I know the other side of Victor Newman. He is a bully of the worst kind. He has a volatile temper, and he is perfectly capable of killing a man." When Gloria came in with Kevin, she was quick to rub Jack's face in the editorial, not to mention the e-mails she wrote. Jack did his best to keep his cool and his mood was even up when they left the table. Unfortunately, then Ben phoned to tell him he was going before the ethics committee.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

After Jack and Sharon handled unfriendly press calls over breakfast, Jack suggested it was time to change directions. He made his own round of calls and agreed to present a grant check to Genoa City Memorial Hospital. Despite this gesture, they knew reporters would only talk about the negative. Sharon reminded him he couldn't say Victor was responsible for Ji Min's death, but he countered that someone else could suggest it. He called Daniel and asked to meet him. Meanwhile, Heather was also fielding press attention. She admitted her office was questioning Jack, as well as everyone else "who has ties with Mr. Kim." Then she escaped them and ran into Cane, who was filing his Clear Springs accident report. They realized they were both headed to the same Chamber of Commerce event, so she suggested they "go green and carpool." He didn't look thrilled, but agreed, and when he ran into his mother, he admitted Heather was interesting "on paper" but there was "not as much [chemistry] as I'd hoped." Of course, the chemistry was there when he ran into Lily. Thanks to Colleen's support, Lily got up the nerve to broach the topic of his interest in her, but she was interrupted when Cane got a call he'd been waiting for and excused himself.

Nearby, Gloria met up with Jill for lunch. They were both thrilled about Jack's predicament, but Jill was worried about the fallout from his bad press. Gloria suggested, "We come up with a marketing campaign that is so dynamic, everybody forgets Jack Abbott was ever associated with the company." They were brainstorming about "the granddaughters" being the future of makeup, so Jill called Lily over. Cane was entertained when he walked up and his mom asked Lily, "Do you wear [makeup] for yourself, or to attract guys?" Cane said she was "a natural beauty" and kept the compliments coming, but when he asked her later what she'd been about to tell him, she brushed it off. Later, he went to the coffeehouse and sidled up next to Lily for more talk of her natural beauty. She again got up the nerve to ask about his interest, but then Heather interrupted with an update on their dinner date. With this new info, Lily backed down again.

After Kevin and Gloria sent another anti-Jack e-mail out, Kevin tried to keep his excited mother in check, warning, "We're meeting with John's ex-cell mate. It doesn't mean he knows anything about his will." Then Jana called to report she was getting her tumor tested for growth. Gloria was grumbly about his commitment to this "killer," but he was quick to remind her that she'd killed someone as well, and even raised his voice at her before rushing to the hospital. He wasn't allowed to hug Jana, but gave her a pep talk and teased her about not accepting his proposal. Then she was wheeled away and ran into Phyllis. They joked about Jana's escape, but when they discussed Kevin's proposal, Jana said, "The only way I'll say yes to him is if I know I'm going to die soon." She didn't want Kevin stuck with a jailbird. After the test, Kevin suggested they get blood drawn for the marriage license. Jana balked and then it was time for her to go. Kevin met up with his mother and Todd, only to learn he was Todd II, the son of John's cellmate. They told Todd about their hope that his father knew something about Jack manipulating John in prison, but Todd revealed his father was an MIA alcoholic. When a defeated Gloria gave him her card, he revealed his father's belongings included a letter to "my beloved Gloria."

Phyllis and Daniel discussed Jack's predicament. She was sure Jack was innocent of killing Ji Min, even by accident. "I don't think he would just walk away. No matter how he felt about somebody," she said. (Apparently she doesn't know about the time Jack stepped over Victor's prostrate body and left him to die!) Phyllis had to go sit with Victoria, since the Newman clan was busy in court. Before leaving Daniel, however, they bashed Heather a bit and she reminded Daniel, "My case was reversed, it wasn't overturned. She can retry my case to her heart's content." Daniel went straight to Heather and asked to plead his mother's case, insisting it was a waste of time and funds to retry her. Heather smiled and rolled her eyes a bit, but made no commitment. Later, she found Phyllis at the hospital. She told her the case would be retried, but if she plead guilty, "I will recommend a sentence of time served and a reasonable probation period." The caveat was that she keep Daniel away from her.

Jack held his press conference praising the hospital, but questions went straight to Ji Min. Jack played it cool and then someone asked, "Do you have a comment on the report that Victor Newman may be a suspect in Ji Min Kim's death?" After making the reporter repeat the question, he refused to comment.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Nick decided to stay with his sister while the rest of the clan duked out her future in court. JT accused him of not caring, but Nick pointed out they weren't on the same side of the argument anyway. Then Nikki walked up and JT scoffed, "I can't have respect for someone who's willing to let their daughter die." Michael worried a stressed out Victor would blow up in court. At the courthouse, emotional Nikki choked on some headache meds, but argued her case even as she gasped for air. When they were called in to court, Dr. Webb took the stand and rehashed the conflict. Up next was Victor, who demurred to the doc's expertise, but during the cross exam, Nikki's lawyer asked pointedly if Victor would sacrifice his life for one of his kids. "It's an unequivocal yes," he fumed and then stormed out to attack Nikki, but she insisted he was in the wrong and turned her back on him. When she took the stand, Michael quietly cross examined her and determined her belief that Victoria would want to save the baby was "based solely on speculation." Disgusted, Nikki had to admit she had no proof. Next Brad recounted Victoria's struggle to become a mother and said he'd "always love" her. However, Michael made him reveal he'd cheated on Victoria and then zeroed in on the paternity issue. After suggesting Brad's efforts to be the baby's advocate were payback against JT, Michael asked if Brad had any proof. Of course he didn't, but when a recess was called, an idea hit him and Brad rushed out, returning with evidence "that proves Victoria would want to save her baby." As this played out, monitor alarms starting going off around Victoria. Nurses rushed in. Nick reported to Phyllis and company that Victoria's blood pressure was "fluctuating, but down." JT decided to return to the hospital, where he doubled over in physical pain outside his fiancée's room.

When Gloria agreed to another date with Jeff, Kevin griped at her. She asked him for help plotting anyway, but that was interrupted by Jill, who rushed in with an idea for a contest to find "real" women of "all sizes and shapes and colors and ages, whose beauty comes from within." The winner would get a day of pampering followed by a photo shoot and they were very excited over her slogan, "Faces of Jabot: The Beauty Is You." When word got out, an employee praised Gloria for the idea. After a beat, the schemer gave credit where it was due, but she'd gotten an idea. "William's note said, 'Don't let her get away with it,'" she reminded Kevin. "'Her.' The mystery woman could be anybody." Like, for example, Jill! Gloria shooed Kevin out just before Jeff arrived and then Kevin stormed back in, putting on an angry show over his egocentric boss, Jill. Gloria scolded him, but not before casually noting Jill wasn't "the easiest person" and reminding Jeff she used to date Will. On their date, she talked of the infighting between Jill and Kay, referencing the Ji Min battle. "As ruthless as Kay can be, I think Jill's even worse," she sighed. Jeff played along and asked questions, so she recalled, "I thought William was really head over heels for Jill, and then one day all of a sudden, broke off and never said another thing about it." She returned to Kevin confident Jeff was buying the message that Jill was — or could be — a criminal.

At Chancellor, Cane told Jill costs for the Clear Springs cleanup would be "staggering," but she shrugged Victor's insurance would "pay up." Cane pointed out they wouldn't get any money until Victor "can accept responsibility." When Jill left, Cane called Neil, who brushed him off, saying, "Liability hasn't been determined yet." Undeterred, Cane tracked Neil down in person and insisted they couldn't wait on the insurance money. "Chancellor is going further into the red trying to clear up Victor's mess. The man needs to get involved," he charged, so Neil agreed to read his cleanup report. When Lily showed up shortly after, Neil fumed, "Victoria's condition is deteriorating, and all that guy cares about is getting his money." After he apologized and excused himself, Lily realized the PDA she'd found was Cane's, so she brought it to him. He was impressed she stood behind her father and wanted to hang out, but was swamped at work. As they were saying goodbyes, Jill arrived and shared her big marketing idea. She suggested Lily enter the Fresh Faces contest. When Lily left to daydream over Cane's compliments, Jill recalled the PR nightmare Amber caused on EXTREME CATWALK and insisted no one connected to Jabot could compete. Then she ran into Jeff at the bar and when he mentioned Gloria, she warned, "I wouldn't trust her if I were you."

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Jack vented to Ben about having to go in front of the ethics committee when "I accomplished more in the last few months than those senators have in the last few years!" Ben insisted he needed to be out of the "suspect pool" in Ji Min's death, and Jack announced he'd "help the police find the man they should be showing some interest in." Sharon overheard and demanded he not go after Victor, who'd saved him at Clear Springs and was now holding vigil over his daughter and grandson. She was sure Jack's innocence would come out naturally. Jack countered it wouldn't happen soon enough and admitted, "every survival instinct tells me I should finish Victor off while I still can," but he gave in to keep Sharon by his side. "I have my press contacts standing by if you want to go ahead with the Victor plan," Ben offered, but Jack was committed. As luck would have it, Ben ran into Maggie moments later. He demanded an explanation for why she hadn't released a statement clearing Jack and why they weren't investigating Victor. He said it seemed someone "had it in for Jack" and pushed Maggie until she snidely offered him her "statement": "While no charges have been filed, Senator Abbott was questioned in the probable homicide of Ji Min Kim, who helped the senator illegally purchase Jabot." Ben threatened legal action if she slandered Jack and she stormed off — neither one aware they'd been videotaped. The argument showed up on the Internet seconds later and Jack immediately blasted Ben, but he said that was old news. He'd tracked down "an audio tape of Victor pressuring Ji Min into recording his conversations with you." This proved Victor had leaked Jack's secret about owning Jabot, so the senator turned on Sharon and wondered if she still wanted to protect Victor.

At Crimson Lights, Kevin showed Cane the brilliance of having a Jabot MySpace page, pointing out a blog was a great way to publicize campaigns like Faces of Jabot. Cane was so impressed he called Lily over to see Jabot's new page. Barista Amber was on-shift and the scene made her flash back to her breakup with Cane. She was clearly still stuck on him. When Colleen arrived, Kevin went to get the crew "coffee and carbs," while Lily filled her in on Faces of Jabot. Colleen was glad to hear Lily was entering, but Cane was not pleased when Amber started gushing about how cool it would be if a musician won. When he told her she couldn't enter, she reminded him she wasn't family, so he reminded her about her EXTREME CATWALK performance. When Jill came in, Amber again tried to sell herself for Faces of Jabot, this time highlighting how cool it would be to choose a designer. Jill told her to forget it, snarking, "It's about more than outer beauty. It's about inner beauty." Meanwhile, Lily opened up about her late mother and then Cane again started cooing that she had to do the contest, but he was interrupted when Heather walked up. Uncomfortable! Especially after Heather talked about their fund-raising date the next day. Cane was sure to tell Lily it wasn't a real date and then talk turned back to the contest. Cane told Heather, "One of the winners will be your age or Lily's." Heather marveled at how young Lily was, so Lily announced she was going to enter. Eavesdropping Amber, meanwhile, went into the back room, put on sunglasses and a scarf and smiled at herself.

In court, Brad read a letter Victoria wrote when she was last pregnant. In it, she talked about how "even before it was born" she knew she'd "do anything for our child." He begged the court to believe her words meant she'd give her life for this child, but Michael asked for a moment to confer with Victor before a decision was made on guardianship. Thanks to the break, Nick finally got through to Phyllis. He'd grilled Dr. Webb about what they could do to help Victoria, but with the family still in court, they were in a holding pattern. Back in court, Victor and Nikki were both given another chance to speak before the judge excused himself to think on his ruling. Michael asked Victor to consider his daughter's letter, but Victor maintained he'd rather Victoria live a long life hating him then die now. Then JT and Nick each called in a panic. "If we don't do a C-section right now, we will lose them both," JT told Victor. The case was dismissed when Nikki, Victor and Brad agreed it was time to do the surgery. Nikki spoke to Victoria through the phone as the nurses prepared her for surgery and then she was wheeled away. Once everyone got to the waiting room, Victor led them in a prayer for Victoria. Unfortunately, there were complications during surgery, leaving Victoria in critical condition.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.