Oliver Jumelle
2013-06-07 17:23:36 UTC
and there is no sign of the sorry letter from lauren and to be honest i would be in favour of lauren not writing it. i hate lucy. she uses everyone to her own advantage. look at her dad. she bossed him around as if she knew better and did she give a damn about his breakdown? no. and then not letting bobby keep the snake he saved up for. thats cruel. hopefully now that peter is back he can put lucy back in her place. who remembers last summer when she sacked lola from the chippy in cold blodd even though she knew damn well lola needed that job in order to prove to social services she could provide for her baby when it was born. i know that led to lola going on a rampage in the car lot offices but lucy was in my view 100% to blame.
then we had dexter go ballistic when he found out that sam bought the car he and jay were trying to sell in order to take abi and lola on holiday. im going to love seeing abi's reaction when she finds out what dexter did. ok it was wrong of ava to keep this secret from dex but i think it was very selfish of him to destroy something that abi was looking forward to. im an abi fan and i dont like her getting upset
we also saw lauren get sacked after spilling alcohol on danny pennant and refusing to carry out an order from ian beale. tanya and max had to carry her out and when they were putting her to bed max found all the booze bottles that were stashed under her bed.
we also found out that the new guest in the b and b was using it as a brothel. and we aslo seen bobby's pet snake wreak havoc in the lives of poppy' fatboy and dot after poppy accidently left the lid of his cage open
an interesting week. any views?