2008-09-04 09:38:32 UTC
I've got just one question, though ... why doesn't Todd just 'kidnap' his son? Why does he continue to go through the system and get 'beat up' by the system? Remember when all Roger Howarth's Todd had to do was put Starr into the car and ride out of town to get her away from Blair? And when he hired Tea Delgado to represent him in the custody battle against Blair ... and paid Tea millions of dollars to marry him so that the judge would see him and Tea as fit parents?
Todd was never one to miss a beat! He was always like the Adam Chandler of OLTL ... bribe a judge, if that didn't work, take the kid! It just doesn't ring true that, after all the crap he went through to find his son, he would let a little thing like the law get in his way!
I think the old Todd would've kidnapped Evangeline from wherever her family had her stashed away, got in all the world-reknowned specialists from all over the globe to bring her back ... and got her to feel sorry enough for him that she would've agreed to represent him against Blair! After all, Evangeline has more on Blair than Blair would care to admit! She'd probably enjoy it, too ... considering how insecure Blair never failed to make her life in Llanview difficult, even though Blair had absolutely no claims on Todd!
Hmmm ... do I hear REAL wedding bells?
Is it just me ... or does anyone else agree that Todd just needs to be Todd again?