Soap Explosion.
2008-10-21 15:47:19 UTC
She is NOT esp. in real life suppost to have anything to do with Mexico.
It's all because she was snooping ( and her vendetta against Victor for having her fired and rightly so she wanted to put either Jack or Victor behind bars just to convict somebody even if they were innocentm which is wrong and when she lost to Michael she threw a temper tantrum and blames Paul), which he did not deserve after all he tried to do for her and make up to her, she is still disrespectful to Paul.
Heather only got her job back because Paul solved JiMin's murder case not her and if she is so for the truth why not tell she didn't solve it Paul did, maybe he should be ADA, because she didn't earn it back to me in any way, shape or form. She even said thanks for letting me take the credit, if she is so truthful she should not have ever accepted that position nor the credit. I wouldn't want to accept credit for something I didn't do, then again I am proud like that.
She has been accusing all the wrong people from day one, Jack, Victor etc. I liked her better when she worked at Jabot'
If Heather is truthful to herself, she didn't earn her job back at the ADA, Paul did and she didn't deserve it back because Paul solved it.
Paul should be ADA.